Priests, Good and Bad – IOTW Report

Priests, Good and Bad


The Catholic bishop of Memphis, Tennessee, Martin Holley, was unceremoniously kicked out this week by the Vatican. The Memphis diocese is apparently an absolute disaster, as the arrogant liberal bishop closed schools and churches and moved priests around willy-nilly. The parishioners are in open revolt, withholding donations, and I suspect the diocese is effectively bankrupt.

Interestingly, the situation is so desperate, the Vatican sent in Archbishop Joseph Kurtz of Louisville to temporarily run things. Kurtz is one of the few American bishops still willing to defend traditional Church teaching. He has been an effective leader everywhere he has served, raising vocations and cleaning up liberal messes, like the enormous one his predecessor made in my hometown. On Pope Francis’ enemies list, Kurtz is likely just below Cardinal Raymond Burke and Archbishop Charles Chaput. But the situation is so bad in Memphis, they really had no choice.

As Rod Dreher points out, Bishop Holley was already outed over a decade ago as predator priest, yet continued to thrive in the cesspool of Cardinal Theodore McCarrick’s longtime D.C. operation. And Holley’s predecessor was no better, another spendthrift obsessed with gay outreach instead of Church teaching.

But Memphis may be the first small sign of things to come, as the faithful are effectively using their power of purse to begin putting an end to all this nonsense.  read more

9 Comments on Priests, Good and Bad

  1. Wait a minute, is what the bishop in Memphis is doing that much different from what the pope is doing in the Vatican?

    Isn’t the pope trying to replace the catholic priest in the Vatican with muzzie imams? As the first step for it becoming the mosque in Rome. Or maybe I’m just confused by all the other crazy lefty stuff the current pope does that just seems to be a possibility.

  2. “Better late than never.”
    As the complete article reads
    the Pope also has issues that are
    going to force him to God’s design.
    It’s time for all true Christians
    to follow the rules of their faith
    and do as Jesus taught us.

  3. What about Bishop Holley’s role in keeping Wuerl from becoming Sec. of State? Couldn’t his removal be retribution? Were those schools already slated to be closed? There are more pieces to this puzzle, let’s not be guilty of rash judgement.

  4. When reading about the Pope stepping on some priest or another, it’s hard to figure whether it’s because he’s one of the bad guys or because he’s one of the good guys.

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