Primary Poll Shows RINO Murkowski Down Big – IOTW Report

Primary Poll Shows RINO Murkowski Down Big

Palmieri Report:

Huge news.

A new primary poll for Alaska Senate found RINO Senator Lisa Murkowski down big.

Her challenger Kelly Tshibaka (R) is at 39%.

25 Comments on Primary Poll Shows RINO Murkowski Down Big

  1. We’ll see how much money the GOP Senate committee dumps in Alaska for Murkowski….Will Mitch McCONnell save another RINO by dumping outside money in the race?

  2. Better start checking who’ll be running the election, Alaska. The Estabs have no doubt quietly called in the Uniparty Election Crisis Team.

    You too, Wyoming.

  3. Cato is spot on. Best to give donations direct to Kelly T. or better yet, Trump….
    And the RNC still sends me fliers asking for donations. Been burnt too many times by the GOPe. Haven’t we all.

  4. Recall that daddy handed her “his” seat nearly 20 years ago, and the frozen-brained populace has never asked her to leave. Forgive me if I show little faith in polls or elections.

  5. tctsunami: I changed my party affiliation after the election. I’m registered Independent and the solicitation for money from the Repugs keep coming – robo calls too. They all go into the spam folder or blocked. Even the freaking Rhinos are in on the solicitations. No money will leave my pocket in the way of donations to any political party. I want to see some heads roll before I sacrifice any dollars to any of them. Murkowski is only in office because her husband dropped dead.

  6. The top four will be in the General Election. Thus, Lisa won’t be running a “write in” this time around. Looks like Kelly Tshibaka needs to pick up 11% to in the General to avoid that flacky ranking foolishness AK has.

    It’s like running a footrace and no one beats the world record and then having the judges vote on the order of finishing then adding up the most votes based or order of finishing (i.e., first gets 10, second 9, etc).

  7. Golden Fox, I have the last on on my table and will be running off the list of those R’s that voted to impeach Trump, have an investigation on Jan 6th and a picture of Mitt and send it back with a note that Mitch has been a problem all along (just like Paul Ryan) and send it back.
    Sure it will get trashed, but it will make at least the first one to open it butthurt.

    in 2010 a Ronny Republican crushed her in the GOP primary THEN AN UNUSUAL EVENT HAPLJPENED The 2 parties each had a nan on the ballot! But the “leaders’ of these parties Backed a Communist who was NOT EVEN ON THE BALLOT. The party leaders backing the Commie WRITe IN; were GWB and his acolyte BHO! The Commie write in won and the GOP (many of whom today are Neo ‘Comies) welcomed her into the Senate!

    If you think GWB + BHO will not pull out the stops to keep this “one time” Commie in Congress you need to TAKE OUT YOUR WALLET AND PAY ATTENTION!

    The Ronny man GWB helped BHO defeat was Joe Miller.

    Belated disclaimer.
    I have been conservative for over 70 years. I never voted for the liberal GWB! I do have a dog in the fight.

  9. She also lost the primaries last time, still got elected because state law allows the top candidate to go to the state elections, and was voted in but mostly RINOs, democrats and the supposed independents.
    I hate to say it, she might be elected again.

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