Prime Minister Boris Johnson Admits ‘Really Very Few’ Islamists Can Be Rehabilitated, ‘We Need to Be Frank About That’ – IOTW Report

Prime Minister Boris Johnson Admits ‘Really Very Few’ Islamists Can Be Rehabilitated, ‘We Need to Be Frank About That’


Prime Minister Boris Johnson has admitted that “really very few” Islamists can be successfully rehabilitated, and says it’s time to emphasise “the custodial option” to protect the public.

The Tory leader was speaking after Sudesh Amman stabbed multiple people in Streatham, London, just days after he received automatic early release from a short prison sentence for terror offences.

Amman was the second radical Islamic terrorist who struck while out on automatic early release in a row, with London Bridge killer Usman Khan having also been a freed terror convict.

“I’m going to level with you,” Johnson began, in response to a journalist who asked him if the public could be sure that terror convicts were coming out of prison less dangerous than when they went in. read more

16 Comments on Prime Minister Boris Johnson Admits ‘Really Very Few’ Islamists Can Be Rehabilitated, ‘We Need to Be Frank About That’

  1. This isn’t rocket science. They hate us and will never be satisfied until we are eliminated or switch or convert to Islam. There is no rehabilitation. We’ll never be safe until they no longer exist. We’ve been fighting them for centuries and they haven’t changed. Wake up.

  2. Inbreds
    lo IQ morons
    EXTERMINATION is the only answer.
    Same goes with 60 years of LBJ ‘Great Society’…
    BTW= my neighbor is half Iranian and
    after about 3 beers he is a slobbering AHHHHAAYAHHahahahhayayaya
    type of drunk.

  3. Enoch Powell warned his country about importing hundreds of thousands of foreigners from the colonies in the 1960s. He wasn’t even considering that there would be millions of them that hated everything the United Kingdom stood for, or that tens of thousands of them would be murderous, rabid, religious fanatics. Diversity is Allah’s fatal gift to Western Civilization.

  4. If he throws out the mayor of London first, it will send a clear message to the rest of them, they’re next. They were always unruly in the colonies of the empire – why did anyone think they would be civilized if brought into the home island?

  5. According to the Cambridge Dictionary (online version), Islamist is a person who believes strongly in Islam, especially one who believes that Islam should influence political systems.
    Since that is one of the basic tenets of fundamental Islam, shouldn’t all faithful Muslims be called Islamist? Why do people think it only applies to a small percentage of them?

  6. @CC:

    RE-habilitated kinda infers they were “habilitated” to begin with, which is clearly untrue.

    Exactly right! “Rehabilitated” is the wrong word. More accurate would be “de-barbarified” (and if there’s no other way, it’s hard to be barbaric when you’re a corpse).


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