Principal Sued After Firing Coach For Opposing Marxism – IOTW Report

Principal Sued After Firing Coach For Opposing Marxism

National Pulse:

The National Pulse previously reported on the incident, noting that Flynn had served as a football coach for a decade and was “widely respected” by the community – Massachusetts’s Dedham Public School District – according to local news.

His termination was chalked up to “significant philosophical differences with the direction, goals, and values of the school district” in a Dedham Public Schools announcement in response to him challenging the left-wing curricula dominating his daughter’s classroom.

The case Flynn v. Forrest et. al. seeks damages against the superintendent, high school principal, and high school athletic director for retaliating against Flynn “for exercising his First Amendment rights.”

“Judicial Watch asks that the court to award damages to the Flynn and that a jury trial be held,” the organization adds. read more

8 Comments on Principal Sued After Firing Coach For Opposing Marxism

  1. “His termination was chalked up to “significant philosophical differences with the direction, goals, and values of the school district” … ”

    They’re pretty open about what they stand for and how they are using government (schools) to institute in our society.

    Because that’s the degree of success they’ve now reached after several generations of almost total and unopposed control of education?

  2. On most evenings, debriefing and corrective education was necessary at our home. But we stand behind our choice of public v private school. Dear wife and I agreed that the kids need to know who they’d be living with in society at large.

    Bonus benefit, the drug abusers were more plenitful at the private schools; those kids had more spending money and parents who neglected them because they had to earn that big tuition money.

    But this choice came with the realization that we would have to be more hands on and take time away from careers to raise our kids.

    No regerts.

  3. This is a civil rights violation. So long as the coach was not proselytizing and just stating his opinion in a casual manner it is a clear and obvious violation of the First Amendment, particularly when it involves political speech, to fire him. That makes the person doing the firing personally liable as well.

  4. …I wonder how long it will take them to talk one of the less stable kids they created into making a false claim that he molested them, Communists really don’t have any limits in their quest for power, and certainly no morals to stop them…


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