Prison Guards Across Country Refusing COVID Vaccine Despite Outbreaks – IOTW Report

Prison Guards Across Country Refusing COVID Vaccine Despite Outbreaks


Correctional officers across the country are shunning the COVID-19 vaccine over fears of both short-term and long-term side effects of the most rapidly-developed immunization in US history.

According to an investigation by the Associated Press and the Marshall Project, while over 106,000 prison employees across 29 systems have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, many won’t take it – joining countless health care workers, nursing home employees and police officers who refuse to become vaccinated despite regular exposure to the public.

Prisons are coronavirus hot spots, so when staff move between the prisons and their home communities after work, they create a pathway for the virus to spread. More than 388,000 incarcerated people and 105,000 staff members have contracted the coronavirus over the last year. In states like Michigan, Kansas and Arizona, that’s meant 1 in 3 staff members have been infected. In Maine, the state with the lowest infection rate, 1 in 20 staff members tested positive for COVID-19. Nationwide, those infections proved fatal for 2,474 prisoners and at least 193 staff members. –AP via Komo News

In one Florida federal prison, FCI Miami, “fewer than half of the facility’s 240 employees have been fully vaccinated as of March 11,” according to corrections officer union president Kareen Troitino, who said that many of the workers who refused were concerned over the vaccine’s efficacy and side effects.

In January, Troitino and FCI Miami warden Sylvester Jenkins invited employees to join them in getting vaccinated “in an act of solidarity,” writing “Even though we recognize and respect that this motion is not mandatory; nevertheless, with the intent of promoting staff safety, we encourage all staff to join us.” read more

13 Comments on Prison Guards Across Country Refusing COVID Vaccine Despite Outbreaks

  1. “many won’t take it”
    A sign that there are more out there that don’t believe MSM.(Fake News)
    That would make them independent thinkers, an enemy to the fake government.

  2. Hey Guys,

    From what I have gathered from reading and watching various medical videos (some of which have appeared on IOTW), and from my own medical books, if we have not seen enough reactions and unexplained deaths yet after taking the shot, wait about one to two years after getting the vaccine (which is medically NOT a vaccine).

    Just keep your Vitamin D3 (especially during the winter, when people don’t get sunshine on their skin)) up daily, along with Zinc and any others you want to throw in, along with daily fruits and vegetables (always steam whenever possible) with your meals.

    My childhood Buddy (since 12 years old to present and who married my childhood sweetheart) took the shot after much begging from me. She did also after much begging and pleading.

    I will watch over them as time passes, however.

    Just keep yourselves healthy.

    For fruits (my dinnertime “milkshake recipe”, going on some 20 years now:

    Ingredients (all frozen from pre-prepared):
    Put Strawberries, cut Canteloupe, cut Pineapple, Blueberries, Mango pieces, Cherries, cut Papaya (if available, but ripened before cutting)… and any other freezable fruit.

    Place variety of frozen fruit pieces in a blender. Fill blender hopper with warm water and let stand for a few minutes to soften fruit. Then, drain out all water, leaving the fruit.

    Add powdered malted mild (if desired), Whey protein powder , Agmatine powder (if desired). Add cut fresh banana (if desired). Then add milk (whole, 1%, 2%, OR any other fresh-squeezed Orange or Grapefruit juice), to cover the top of the contents in the blender hopper. Blend. Add additional liquid as needed. Then, blend until roughly smooth (too much blending, especially with Blueberries) will cause the contents to bubble and froth.

    Add to your favorite Dinner EVERY NIGHT for as long as you live (unless your Doc says elsewise).

    ALSO, if you work out a lot (like I do) you will be amazed how quickly your muscle tone kicks in, along with rapid muscle growth response.

    Just Sayin’…
    Please be careful when considering taking this particular “COVID-19 “Vaccine”.

  3. I’m not taking mRNA crap. I take my vitamin D3, zinc, and multivitamin. I eat healthy meals most of the time. I wash my hands frequenntly. I drink tonic water every day for a small dose of quinine. That’s it. I’ve been doing all this except the tonic water for a very long time, and I haven’t been sick with a cold or flu in more than a decade.

  4. I have a B-cell lymphoma and there is no way I’ll be getting an experimental vaccine that also messes with b-cells. Ignorance? Perhaps, but not stupid.

  5. I predict that in about five years (once the true effects of the vaccines have made themselves evident), the value of non-COVID-vaccinated egg and sperm donors will shoot through the roof.

    On one hand you’ve got Jim, who has an IQ of 197, two doctordates, a Nobel in chemistry, and looks like a young Rock Hudson — but he’s had the COVID vaccination. On the other hand, you’ve got Cletus, who never finished high school, works as a dish washer, and looks like Jim Varney — but he never got the vaccine. His sperm count also hasn’t plummeted and the sperm he does produce isn’t full of aberrations and mutations.

    Who do you think is going to be preferred father material?

  6. I’m also looking forward to the time in the not-so-distant future when you’re watching daytime T.V. or channel surfing at 3 A.M., and you keep seeing the same infomercial:

    “Have you or someone you know received the COVID vaccination? Then you may be entitled to monetary compensation. Call NOW! Operators are standing by.”

    I also predict that — rather than being righteously and murderously pissed off — most of the fools pushing the vaccine today will be on-board with being unknowingly sterilized once the ugly truth comes out. After all, reducing the human population will mean less impact on the planet, or so I’m told.

  7. The problem is that reporters, (even ZeroHedge,) do not ask the right questions. The article said that about one-half of prison employees nationwide are refusing a vaccine for The Rona. About one-third have already had The Rona. The aforementioned one-third could be presumed smart enough to know that they have had the best vaccination — the disease itself. This leaves only one-sixth, (one-half minus one-third,) who are making the medical choice of either herd immunity to The Rona or catching The Rona to protect them from The Rona.

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