Pritzker- ‘Most Dangerous Governor in America’ – IOTW Report

Pritzker- ‘Most Dangerous Governor in America’

Also, the fattest.

Exclusive — ‘Most Dangerous Governor in America’: Lawmakers Demand Answers on Illinois Governor’s Prisoner Review Board Release Scheme Endangers State.

For two years, Illinois Democrat Gov. J.B. Pritzker has bypassed the appointee process for the Illinois Prisoner Review Board (PRB) to fill it with his hand-picked appointees.

One of the newest board members is a man convicted of a double homicide. During this timeframe, Pritzker’s PRB has released several prisoners–many of whom are now fugitives after violating the terms of their release. Republicans in the state legislature are demanding answers and accountability.

Technically speaking, after a governor nominates someone to a PRB position in Illinois, it kicks off a 60-day confirmation clock. But what Pritzker keeps doing to circumvent normal procedure is appointing people, then withdrawing their nominations before the state can vote on them, then reappointing the same people, which resets the 60-day clock. Illinois Senate Republicans are calling for a committee hearing to hold the Board accountable.

State Sen. Jason Plummer (R-Edwardsville) calls it the “Springfield shuffle.”

“Democrat legislators could force these people to come to the committee,” Plummer told Breitbart News. “They could force a vote on the floor. They refuse to do that because they’re more concerned about offending JB Pritzker than they are about the safety of their community.”

The Illinois Constitution states: “Any nomination not acted upon by the Senate within 60 session days after the receipt thereof shall be deemed to have received the advice and consent of the Senate.” read more

9 Comments on Pritzker- ‘Most Dangerous Governor in America’

  1. Newsom is worse ?
    J.B. is at least equal and in many other ways worse.
    He is a transplant from California where he was well trained. He shipped his family out of state to avoid his Nazi covid tactics.
    He has doubled nearly every tax in the state, has tripled license plate fees, had the complete backing of Madigan and still owns the Madigan’s elected coven in office.

    He removed the toilets from his home and claimed it was unfit for habitation so he got thousands in tax reductions.

    He allows Chicago crime to run rampant and does nothing to stop the “elected” officials.
    He has [rigged] dominion voting machines, has removed bail requirements, signed laws that prevent law enforcement from even doing their jobs.
    He is coercing politicians to take away your rights to defend yourself. Police cannot write arrest reports by reviewing their own camera video.
    There is no money for mandatory police camera’s unless it’s a rigged red light camera.
    Soon, police cannot stop a criminal that’s running if their back is toward to the police.

    He released over 4000 felony convicted child rapists, murderers and brutally violent gang members.
    He also released over 47 thousand ‘unregistered’ pharmacists, gang members, car jackers and arsonists because they might get covid.
    Who knows how many more to come.

    He spent 66 million dollars to turn the McCormick Place into a 2750 bed hospital that treated only 38 covid patients.
    (I have yet to find the piles of dead bodies from covid) He has prevented hospital from performing necessary surgeries and cancer treatments all to save them from covid.

    He even has AARP convinced that his graduated tax plan is wonderful. His tax plan opens the door to tax retirement income which is about the only thing left in this state he doesn’t have his hands in. Don’t worry he’ll try again soon.
    AARP seems blind to all this.

    In a nearby city, nearly 30 businesses have closed permanently because his covid mandate to protect the citizen.
    Now get ready for tax increases on corporations, small businesses, partnerships and LLP’s

    Roads are potholed filled, weeds are growing out of the cracks, ditch’s are rarely mowed. Blacktop crumbling, concrete cracking and structural steel is stress cracking.
    His deals with the Chicago teachers union are destroying the public schools, private schools, driving schools, jr college’s, state schools, scholarships and grants.

    Next on the agenda is reparations for gang bangers, drive-by shooters and car jackers.

    Just like the 4 governors in Illinois that have gone to prison, Pritzker is no better, he’s just not P O’d the wrong ones yet. Hopefully he will be there soon

    Newsom vs. Pritzker?
    What you see in the ‘news’ is nothing to what this criminal Pritzker is doing, this doesn’t even cover a fraction of what Pritzker has done
    Newsom 70,000 (mostly pot heads) over what Pritkers done?

    The only thing to say is that it is not fair to compare evil to evil or define who is worse

    I do know that Pritzker has destroyed Illinois and the people of Illinois

    Still, the people in Illinois will vote democrat again.

    I apologize for this rant
    Lord Jesus protect us from this evil

  2. Don’t forget. Illinois hasn’t had honest elections in like forever. The Illinois Republican RINOs? Useless!Now the districts are going to redrawn yet again even more in Democrats favor to rule in perpetuity.


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