Privacy activists lament after biometrics are used at Nigerian polls – IOTW Report

Privacy activists lament after biometrics are used at Nigerian polls

Reclaim the Net:

Digital rights activists have raised concerns over the security of the biometric data collected during the recent general election in Nigeria where millions of Nigerians registered and voted.

Biometric data was submitted for voter registration and was also required to verify voters at polling stations using the Biometric Voter Accreditation System (BVAS) gadgets.

In an article published by Reuters, AI and human rights researcher at Amnesty International Matt Mahmoudi expressed concerns about the security of the biometric data stored by the Independent National Election Commission (INEC). He noted that the data could be exploited by the government for mass surveillance and for other potentially illegal things.

Hackers could use the data for identity theft, according to Mahmoudi, who insisted that facial biometric systems by design allow mass surveillance. He also called for other methods to prevent electoral fraud. more

6 Comments on Privacy activists lament after biometrics are used at Nigerian polls

  1. Wait a minute, here!!!

    Election denier Stacy Abrams is in Nigeria “assisting” their elections! Is she just there to pick up info on their biometrics scam? Does she plan to bring it back to use it here … OR, did she take what our country is now doing to us so they could use it, too.

    I’m suspicious of EVERYTHING the left plans, does, or plans to do.

    Cut and Paste into your browsers search engine:

  2. Thats why the old im-person- with-finger-dipped-in-stain should be the gold standard for national elections. Insist on picture ID of a type only citizens may obtain.

  3. Computers should not be used in any elections – too tempting to tamper, and too simple to hide it.

    Abrams was obviously there to monitor and document the successful and undetectable rigging of yet another election.

    Availably soon at a polling place near you!


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