Private Islamic Schools Found to be ‘Place of Human Slavery’ in Nigeria – IOTW Report

Private Islamic Schools Found to be ‘Place of Human Slavery’ in Nigeria

A horrendous scene was found last week in the city of Kaduna, Nigeria when police raided a Koranic reform school. Upon entry, inhumane conditions were discovered at the Islamic school, reported by AFP:

Hundreds of men and boys — some reportedly aged as young as five — held in atrocious conditions at a facility proprietors described as a religious school and rehabilitation centre.

Inmates were discovered chained to metal railings and with their hands and feet shackled together. Some bore scars from alleged beatings while others recounted being sexually abused.

The raid on this particular school comes after revelations that have “shone a spotlight on Islamic institutes unregulated by the authorities.” The Islamic schools are common across northern Nigeria where poverty levels are high and are known locally as Almajiri schools. “Authorities have estimated that there are more than nine million students enrolled at the institutions.” more here

4 Comments on Private Islamic Schools Found to be ‘Place of Human Slavery’ in Nigeria

  1. Just who do they think they are, a public school in America?

    Of course not. They’re not forcing the boys to dress up like girls and telling them they’re going to die in 10 years from burning alive or the oceans washing them out to sea.


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