Private Jets Headed To Global Warming Conference Freeze to Runway – IOTW Report

Private Jets Headed To Global Warming Conference Freeze to Runway

Salty shares a story. 😂. (some spicy language)

Private Jets Headed To Global Warming Conference Freeze to Runway

9 Comments on Private Jets Headed To Global Warming Conference Freeze to Runway

  1. Faggots and losers everywhere!

    Hopefully Greta The Hose Beast gets frozen to a lamp post. Fatally.

    Fuck all of you environmental commie pus-bags. And FJB.

  2. I feel sorry for them and will to donate to their cause by idling my cars in the driveway and burning an extra tire. Yet somehow these ingrates will have a problem with that.

  3. ecp, the MD cops, troopers and county cops, would write a citation for idling automobiles.

    I was read the riot act for idling my Triumph bike at some petrol station, and many times for idling cars in my driveway.

    “It could be STOLEN!”

    “How the fuck could that be possible when it is locked up?”

    “It could be STOLEN!”

    “A fucking 1983 diesel MB 300D? They can’t put it in gear.”

    “It could be STOLEN!”

    You know, at this point you are dealing with retards.

    I’m not the reason asswipes steal.

    “I’m gonna fine you because your shit might be stolen…”


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