PRIVILEGE, Victim & Oppressor Culture: EXPLAINED – IOTW Report

PRIVILEGE, Victim & Oppressor Culture: EXPLAINED

10 Comments on PRIVILEGE, Victim & Oppressor Culture: EXPLAINED

  1. At this hyper technology advanced place in time of AI/Algorithm, this is the perfect PSA for us to agree that the term millennial actually is only word replacement for Mental Illness.

  2. Give a stage to the mentally ill and they will come!
    That’s what Social Media does.
    Everybody wants their 15 minutes of fame.
    Look at me!
    Who can be the most outrageous.
    Who can be the most obnoxious.
    Where Stupid lives and thrives.
    To be fair the schools have been doing their part to promote the dumbing down process as well by mainstreaming mental illness instead of treating it properly. Slows everything down to the lowest common denominator and sucks the incentive out of those who want to learn. All part of collapsing the system. They don’t dare emphasize greatness and exceptionalism. Let’s elevate Assholeism and turn America into one big Pity Party!

  3. I just watched the CBS morning news because I’m home today. Speaking to “victims and oppressors”.

    Paul Manafort’s guilty sentence to tax fraud shocks the conscience. SWAT raid, $24,000,000.00 fine, fees, 4 years in jail instead of a death sentence. The victim….is the American taxpayer. The most righteous indignation from the entire panel, Norah, Gayle, some attorney bitch, for abuse of the taxpayer…it was very touching. Should have been a death sentence.

    They immediately turn to King’s interview of R. Kelly who has abducted, imprisoned, raped, starved, brainwashed and otherwise abused underage girls for the last 20+ years. Gayle’s instructions?

    Lots of people who’ve seen the clips of the interview have stopped Gayle on the street to tell her that they feel “compassion, the pain FOR HIM, and that there is really “more to this story” in terms of R. Kelly being innocent despite far more physical evidence than anything ever offered against Brett Kavanaugh.

    I quote Gayle King: “He’s a man in pain who deserves a lot of sympathy.”

    Truly and abhorrently fucking bizarre for what passes for mainstream news these day. What happened to #MeToo, Gayle?

    Victims and Oppressors are turned on their heads. Who benefits politically is what decides who is a victim these days.

  4. The explanation that makes the most sense to me is that Cultural Marxism became the necessary plan of Communists/Marxists/Socialists because the flaw in the original Marxist blueprint was that, when it came down to it, people would not burn down their own cities and nations; they were too nationalistic. They felt too much kinship with their fellow countrymen and the place of their birth to carry out the final aims of Marxism’s arrows. There were no workers of the “world”, only workers of France, UK, the U.S., and so on. The only way to unite them in a worldwide mission was to extend Marxism to individual cultures and work from within them to destroy their allegiance to both their nation and their God. Thus began “the long march through the institutions”, converting minds — like sleeper cells — to be awakened to the pseudo-Marxian idea of oppressor and oppressed; the corollary to its original blueprint, oversimplified, but boiled down to “have” and “have not”.

    Cultural Marxism began its project through the Frankfurter school’s blossoming Critical Theory and in the U.S. at Columbia University.

    While the above video seeks to explain conditions on the ground, it doesn’t truly answer their genesis. And, it is less clear about its aims. In my opinion, it leaves the door open about whether or not these mentally ill people have any legitimate claims, claims that strike at the fundamental legitimacy of the Bible and the teachings of Christ. That is why the disposition of LGBTQ+ movement is absolutely key to Cultural Marxist’s war on America and other Christian countries. If that domino falls, Christianity is, necessarily, struck down. Mental illness wins out over the homophobic bible. If this one thing is found to be untrue, it follows that the entire Bible is fiction.

  5. Marx simply codified the greedy, vituperative, envious, predilections of the vast number of “slave-mentality” humans throughout our existence.
    Solon’s injunction to the Athenians, the destruction of Caius Marcius Coriolanus by the “populists” of Rome, and the whole sad execrable tale of the continual striving between those who work and those who want to be supported by those who work is testament to that. As everyone knows, Marx (and Engels) was a parasite who wouldn’t take a job biting holes in dough-nuts – thus he extolled the virtues of parasitism and the perniciousness of “capitalism.”
    To make the case has always depended on the mendacity of those who lead and the abject stupidity of those who follow.
    The destruction of the existing institutions is corollary – if we believe in faith (as in contractual), hard work, and redemption (as in religion) parasitism loses all its shiny patina and is exposed as the lie and evil that it is – so all the positives of society must be scorned and man separated from man (faith) and the State must become the sole mediator.

    Not disagreeing, just that this imposed divisiveness goes back further than Marx – probably back to Original Sin – or maybe Cain.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Tim — thank you for summarizing it so succinctly. It does go back to the Fall and is played out, time and again, throughout the story of man from the very beginning. Coveting your neighbor’s ass is a mortal sin.


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