Pro-Abortion Chuck Schumer: If We Can’t Have Babies, We Need Illegal Alien Workers – IOTW Report

Pro-Abortion Chuck Schumer: If We Can’t Have Babies, We Need Illegal Alien Workers

CTH: The Democrat left-wing policy platform includes unlimited abortion, denunciation of the traditional family, declarations that excessive populations create climate crisis and other less obvious points of advocacy that eliminate domestic population growth.  However, in order for left-wing politicians to continue advancing ridiculous ideological policy, they must pretend not to know things….  Here comes Senator Chuck Schumer.

During a pantomime script to advance the goal of amnesty for illegal aliens, Chuck Schumer pretends not to know his party agenda is to reduce the American workforce.  Now Senator Schumer claims the absence of a growing population is the reason why amnesty for illegal aliens must be accomplished.   more

25 Comments on Pro-Abortion Chuck Schumer: If We Can’t Have Babies, We Need Illegal Alien Workers

  1. So he’s for child labor? What does having babies have to do with the workforce?

    Perhaps if the government would stop pretending to create jobs so they can fund cronies, we’d have a REAL work force.

  2. If they ended federal unemployment people would have to work. Midterms are over and those votes have been bought.
    If the illegals work most don’t qualify for anything but menial, minimum wage jobs. That means they would still be on welfare. So where’s the win Chuck?

  3. Get rid of welfare – get rid of SNAP (even though the farmers would cry) – get rid of SSI – get rid of EBTs – get rid of Obola-phones – and all that other bullshit – and then – THEN – when we have 100% employment we may need to import rat-people – NOT UNTIL THEN!

    Same old shit with these people – and we never learn:

    Craft a problem (or a crisis).
    Have the propaganda Media gin up outrage.
    Demand vast sums of tax dollars to alleviate the “problem.”
    Skim a great portion of those tax dollars.
    Maintain the scam.

    We’re still paying taxes from the Spanish-American War, for pity’s sake!
    Dumber than dogshit – we probably deserve what we get.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Wikipedia
    Schumer is a Middle Low German word meaning “good-for-nothing” or “vagabond”
    It may also refer to:
    Amy Schumer, American comedian and actress
    Chuck Schumer, American senator

  5. Pretty brave of Schumer to take on the WEF like this. The WEF is hell-bent on reducing the world population by half and the population of the U.S. even more than that. They want us dead and he wants more births.

    (I know he just wants more Dem voters but the WEF does want us dead.)

  6. Possibly the most repulsive human being in Congress. Chuck, if you’re all that worried about population shortage, please explain your support for executing millions of people through abortion, millions of people by way of the Covid fraud. Got to hell Chuck Schumer, and FJB.

  7. Is that the reason the USA has not given the COVID shots to those illegals coming across the border? Pay attention to what he’s really saying. The FIX is in for our population of real US citizens. They certainly saw to that!

  8. From an economic perspective, Schumer is probably correct – although he and his political cronies are a significant cause of the problem. Functioning societies need to have a high percentage of people of working age in order to advance, or even maintain their economic viability. The folks that contribute the most to an economy are those between the ages of 25 and 65; people younger than 25 are still learning and people older than 65 are retiring.

    The United States, most of Europe, and much of Asia including Japan and China, are experiencing total fertility rates(TFR) which are less than replacement value. This means that there are less and less young people who will provide the economic activity necessary to sustain any given economy, and many societies are getting grayer. China, in particular, and due in large part to its ill-advised “one child” policy, is exceptionally worried about this trend and a collapse of its economy. For example, the US total fertility rate is 1.84, Germany is 1.54, China is 1.45 and Japan is 1.38. Replacement value is generally considered to be 2.1.

    People like Bill Gates and the WEF aren’t really thinking their population downsizing strategy through. Yes, the world population is increasing, but if you look at the TFR tables, it is the African and Middle Eastern third world nations that have the highest fertility rates and are therefor largely responsible for the world population increase. China’s population is actually contracting, and without immigration the US and European population would at best be static and probably contracting as well. Many of the world’s billionaires like Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg etc. made their fortunes through tech, but their future markets are likely third world persons who don’t use and rely on tech like we do. Basically, these people are advocating destroying their customer base.

    Politically, western nations are moving towards socialist models, which are essentially Ponzi schemes that need a well-distributed population model. Socialist economies need to have a majority of their citizens in their productive years to pay for the young and the old at the ends of the spectrum, and the low TFR indicates that this will not happen. Indeed, if one looks at the TFR tables, one finds that socialist/communist nations frequently have the lowest fertility rates. (eg. China, Russia, North Korea, etc.)

    What Schumer is talking about are longer term trends – perhaps a couple of generations out. But it is not likely that these politicians will change policies anytime soon, and as China is starting to learn, changes will occur regardless of the wishes of leadership.

  9. It is widely believed by racists that people with more melanin are more easily made subjects of authority.
    Many examples throughout history-one of the most common pastimes of regimes is making people grovel, then killing those that refuse to grovel.
    White people tend to fight back at some point, and the globalist federation can’t have that.

  10. @Beachmom November 17, 2022 at 6:13 am

    > If they ended federal unemployment people would have to work.

    Pointing out to Schmuckles that you agree with him about picking your own damn cotton, is not a way to change his mind.

  11. @Chumlee November 17, 2022 at 12:27 pm

    > It is widely believed by racists that people with more melanin are more easily made subjects of authority.

    Because racists are dumb.

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