Pro- Aborts are advocating that women go on a sex strike to save Roe v. Wade – IOTW Report

Pro- Aborts are advocating that women go on a sex strike to save Roe v. Wade

American Thinker: All I could think of was that I grew up before Roe v. Wade, and most girls were already on a sex strike when I went out with them.  So I thought, “What’s new?”  Most somehow believed that abstinence was good and getting pregnant was bad if you weren’t married.  What a novel thought.   read more

27 Comments on Pro- Aborts are advocating that women go on a sex strike to save Roe v. Wade

  1. Sexually active women get downright mean when they don’t get laid. So what might just result from this latest temper tantrum is a bunch of malicious, maladjusted malcontents, who are already meaner than rat shit, getting all hormoned up and violently taking it out on everyone they come in contact with.

  2. I recall reading several times that women are more against abortion than men are. Whoever thought of this is assuming that all women think like her acquaintances from NOW.

  3. I cannot find the word abortion anywhere in the Constitution. nor have seen the hint of a shadow on the topic. The founders were not not pro life in the Declaration and Pro Death in the Constitution.
    That is illogical.

  4. I wouldn’t have sex with an aborter in the first place.

    There is a thing called birth control. If they are too stupid to use it and, god forbid, they get preggers.

    They already had their ‘choice’.

  5. The ‘men’ who will experience this cessation in egress to the unruly forest will only cry by themselves and shop on etsy for a new hat like the Zig Zag guy

  6. Pro- Aborts are advocating that women go on a sex strike to save Roe v. Wade

    About time you femi-nazis practiced birth control instead of murdering millions of unborn babies. You’ll put Planned Parenthood out of business, lawyers out of business without any shots fired, or body parts sold. Sounds like a reasonable plan to me.

  7. @RightWinger July 7, 2018 at 4:21 pm

    > Sex strike for liberals?

    Yes. But it’s like a “hunger strike” for liberals. So no sex for two minutes out of every hour. And send the price of a condom to Planned Parenthood.

  8. So following the line of thought in the comments to the next logical iteration (I like big words, did I use it correctly? I know I forgot a comma earlier.), will they be demanding that all the males have their hands cut off also?

    And I believe Kermit has done his research which should be reimbursed for the repayment of his purchase of the eye bleach.

  9. sigh…. once again it’s up to Burr to set you all straight. …ahem.


    See? Like that but in 72 point headlines.


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