Pro-Caravan Ammon Bundy quits militia movement over immigration, ‘fanatically loyal’ Trump supporters – IOTW Report

Pro-Caravan Ammon Bundy quits militia movement over immigration, ‘fanatically loyal’ Trump supporters

WATIMES: Ammon Bundy, the Mormon rancher who famously led two armed standoffs against the feds in Nevada in 2014 and Oregon in 2016, has renounced the militia movement due to its hardline immigration stance and unwavering loyalty to President Trump.

“The vast majority seemed to hang on to what seemed like hate, and fear, and almost warmongering, and I don’t want to associate myself with warmongers,” Mr. Bundy told BuzzFeed News in an interview published Thursday.

“The time we find ourselves in now that is closest found in history is Germany in the 1930s, and they had a leader that was loved, and it was the same kind of following,” he said. “I don’t want to say there is that extreme similarity, but it very well could go that way, and people just give up their thinking, their rights, and they give up their government because they were so willing to follow [the president].”

Mr. Bundy said he is grateful for Mr. Trump’s presidential pardon of the ranchers at the center of the Oregon standoff, but said he can’t get behind the president’s immigration policies or the way he characterized the migrant caravan.

“I believe President Trump, the best way I could explain it, is that he’s a nationalist, and a nationalist in my view makes the decision that best benefits the nation, not the individual,” he said. “That is not freedom, and that is not what America was built upon.”

Mr. Bundy comments come after he sparked a fierce backlash from supporters in the militia movement when he slammed Mr. Trump’s rhetoric concerning the caravan. Followers who helped guard his father’s ranch in 2014 said they now regretted doing so, BuzzFeed reported. He said he also received death threats.  more

18 Comments on Pro-Caravan Ammon Bundy quits militia movement over immigration, ‘fanatically loyal’ Trump supporters

  1. What an absolute moron. And what’s up with the Mormon’s love of open borders?
    He and his family led an entire nation on one goose chase after another, costing one man his life, under the guise of Don’t Tread On Me.

    Well guess what ten gallon asshat, you and your States Rights militia are now detested by both sides. Oh, and don’t expect any support for your next grievance to come from the left.

  2. He’s contradicting himself through the entire interview!
    He’s shown himself to be a ‘fanatically loyal’ Romney mormon from Nevada. Typical Prog. Hates the government when they’re bothering him and his property, but he loves the government when they’re pushing illegals onto you and your property. He used the militia members all along.
    Enjoy your blue state. New democrat gov will take everything you own. Prick.

  3. Ammon Bundy never lead shit. The Oath Keeper ruled the day that day. And that stories never been completely exposed. Pretty damn embarrassing to some Federal Para Military Orgs. Pussies. Ammon’s no hero. And he’s obviously a little brain damaged from the confrontation.

  4. Ann Barnhardt called it at the time. Stay away from a fight you know nothing about.

    However stylistic, attractive, and seemingly protective of Western values, the Bundy Standoff attracted a lot of true believers that got chewed up in the shitstem’s aftermath.

    Jerry Delemus answered the call and is still in prison if memory serves. What a shame on your house Bundy.

  5. Please don’t be mad about the bus I am throwing you under after you came to my aid and quite likely saved my ass from prison. It is nothing personal, it’s just that the bus is full of illegal migrants and must be welcomed here.


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