Pro-Coal Manchin Could Become Ranking Democrat On Energy Committee – IOTW Report

Pro-Coal Manchin Could Become Ranking Democrat On Energy Committee

Well, this should be fun.

DC: West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin could become the ranking Democrat on the Energy Committee, a move that would likely ruffle feathers among his party’s environmentalist base.

The outcome of Florida’s election brawl will have consequences elsewhere in the upper chamber of Congress. Should Republican Florida Gov. Rick Scott prevail in ousting Democratic Sen. Ben Nelson, his position as ranking member of the Senate Commerce Committee is expected to be given to Democratic Washington Sen. Maria Cantwell.

“There’s an understanding among the staff,” that Cantwell is interested in the position, according to a former Senate staffer who spoke with Politico.

Cantwell’s state is home to a number of major companies, such as Amazon, Boeing and other commercial interests.

Should all of this happen, Cantwell’s current position as ranking member of the Senate Energy Committee could be awarded to Manchin.

While his vote in support of then-nominee to the Supreme Court Brett Kavanaugh was certainly Manchin’s most notable cross against the Democratic Party, the West Virginia lawmaker is well-known for joining Republicans on a number of environmental issues, such as his vote to confirm Scott Pruitt to lead the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Ryan Zinke to lead the Interior Department, the Keystone XL pipeline, and a number of decisions that helped the Trump administration’s energy agenda.  more here

10 Comments on Pro-Coal Manchin Could Become Ranking Democrat On Energy Committee

  1. can’t believe WVA gave this weasel phucktard another 6 years to give votes to Schmuckles the Clown Schumer & rest of the demonRats

    … that is, until the next election cycle … where he magically turns into a recucklican

  2. He’s like gum on a flip flop.

    Hold on, this begs the question, on the bottom of the flip flop, or between your heal and the flip flop. The later is sick ass shit. Happened to me in Lahaina. 2006. Kimos.

  3. Joe BMOC Manchin, the 3% man, does not impress me. Calling VP Pence a junk-yard dog makes him a no more than younger version of the prevert pathetic brainless bully we know as Joe Biden. Joe dog-man Manchin is probably the best they can do for a presidential run in 2020 and he will lose.


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