Pro-gun dating site aims to connect Second-Amendment lovers – IOTW Report

Pro-gun dating site aims to connect Second-Amendment lovers

FOX: A new dating site has its sights set on targeting lovers – lovers of the Second Amendment and the National Rifle Association, that is.

Pro-Gun Dating, which now says it has tens of thousands of users, “aims to connect like-minded patriotic Americans who cherish and believe in our Constitutional right to bear arms,” according to the site’s Facebook Page. “In the wake of a renewed push to completely dismantle Americans’ gun rights through the destruction of the Second Amendment, fills a massive void. It’s a place where gun owners can meet, talk, and not feel like they’re forced to hide their love of firearms.”

It’s a feeling CEO Laura Clark said she experienced firsthand when she was ridiculed for posing with her AR-15 on other dating platforms.

“As a female gun-owner, I started this dating site to empower women,” Clark told Fox News. “I’m always packing, so I’ll never have to join the #MeToo movement. With a pro-gun dating community, there will be no issues for myself or the many like-minded women who join the site in the future.” more

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