Pro-Hamas activists shut down Seattle freeway for over 3 hours – IOTW Report

Pro-Hamas activists shut down Seattle freeway for over 3 hours

Hundreds of anti-Israel activists shut down all lanes of northbound Interstate 5 in downtown Seattle for over three hours on Saturday causing a 6-mile backup. An ambulance with lights flashing was seen caught in the backup.

27 Comments on Pro-Hamas activists shut down Seattle freeway for over 3 hours

  1. Law enforcement sits on their hands.
    Woke Socialists/communists Control Seattle.
    Murdering islamic/hamas sympathizers.
    When will the insanity end.
    When people have had enough and drive right through or will Federal/State/County Police get off their asses and finally earn their salary and cushy retirement?

  2. Once upon a time the sheriff would roll up and haul these weirdos off. There are laws prhibiting pedestrians on the interstate highways. There are federal laws against interfering with interstate commerce….

    We have snow plows which should be effective with soft debris blocking the roads…

  3. Protesters shut down I5 in Seattle for almost any excuse. Reporting this is like reporting that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

    However, a few years ago the Washington State Patrol said “We ain’t playing that game this time” and left the freeway open. Speed records were broken when the protesters had to run for their lives off the freeway.

  4. shame on Seattle, regardless of what these people are ‘protesting’ … & frankly, it didn’t look like more than 50 people w/ nothing better to do to advance the march of humankind

    no one has the right to hinder any other person in their pursuit of happiness (as long as it is a legal ‘pursuit’), or hinder any means of people involved in life-saving procedure, including transportation to emergency life-saving facilities
    (if one of my loved ones’ were to die, or incur a life-altering injury as a result of these human rectums, I’d find out who let them go w/out arrest, & those that did it & sue the living excrement out of them)

    it’s long past time we held these people accountable

  5. A good old fashioned hickory shampoo would work wonders.

    @ geoff the aardvark SUNDAY, 7 JANUARY 2024, 23:13 AT 11:13 PM

    Tuco didn’t leave much to the imagination. Went it’s time to shoot, shoot. Don’t talk.

    As for the people stuck in that mess. Any of them who have cast a single legitimate vote for ANY Democrat since 2020. Tough shit. You got exactly what you deserved. For the rest of those who haven’t, they have my sympathy.

  6. These “activists” will resort to violence as has been shown. Anyone supporting the actions of Hamas can be considered a terrorist and are fanatics. Instead of live and let live they desire eliminating anyone not subscribing to their philosophy. Blocking productive members of society attempting to get to work and feed their families, stopping ambulances from providing life saving service and making life difficult for others is unacceptable behavior and should be dealt with by the authorities swiftly and vigorously. Unfortunately, the “authorities” are also leftists and encourage this behavior. We are rapidly approaching a point where normal citizens will be forced to resort to “self-help” and take matters into their own hands. We are in the initial stages of what might be considered a “civil war”. People have become callous and have no problem infringing upon others freedoms and the pursuit of happiness, let alone feeding their families. The left doesn’t understand the potential and just how horrible it would be if and when normal / rational citizens reach the point where this behavior will no longer be tolerated. If that point is reached, the “authorities” will be unable to protect them.

  7. I like the snow plow idea. Run two of them staggered at 10MPH to clear the road and have a liquid Brine sprayer behind… just to keep the road from freezing, of course!

  8. I can’t see that ambulance well enough to tell if it’s municipal or private, which doesn’t make a difference as far as the emergency but may on communicating it to other agencies.

    I ran with a muni service and so we had radios that allowed us to talk directly to the City police, the County Sheriff, and to each other. The City and the County, and through the County the State Highway Patrol were generally very quick to provide whatever assets we needed to get our vehicles down the road, and not shy about doing it either. Granted, it was not The Current Year and we didn’t have fools like these or full-blown Communist Democrats defending them, but given that the cops lived in the communities they served, I’m not sure that would have stopped them.

    …I can’t pretend to know specifically what’s going on in that box, but in my time and place we weren’t allowed to cruse around with flashy revolvy screamy things going on JUST because we had a patient on board; we had a “Code 2” response that was used for things like minor wounds that were under control, mental patients that were subdued and restrained, things like that where MD contact was desirable but time was not a factor, whereby the ambulance would simply be a bus and obey all Traffic Control Devices. This was because there was ALWAYS a heightened risk associated with traveling under Code 3 (Emergeny) conditions and, just because you could LEGALLY blow some TCDs, didn’t mean it was safe to do so, as idiot then as now were everywhere, and mandating a more controlled response for things deemed by the crew as non-emergent ameliorate that risk. What looks horrible to a first-time parent may look like Tuesday to a trained responder, after all, and while you COULD facilitate transport there was often no need to multiply the risk once the situation was assessed and preliminary treatment given by trained personnel.

    …so, if the ambulance DOES have all its lights on, it’s either on its way to an unassessed situation or has a TRULY emergent patient on board.

    Ambulances have improved since the modified Cadillac Hearse days. Crews are trained to sometimes a pretty high level, there’s a lot they can do if your leaking (junctional bleeds being a possible exception), stabilize your skeleton, jump-start your heart, even analyze and offer some chemistry correction and maybe even assist in delivering a baby. And o2 is always on tap and tends to be a net positive as well, if administered correctly.

    But they can’t do EVERYTHING.

    Surgical intervention is rarely an option on an ambulance, beyond chest tubes or maybe a cricothyrotomy in a super advanced unit; its not a place for a complicated delivery and you’re not getting your brain bleed or dissecting aorta repaired in the cube. Analytic tests are necessarily limited, MRIs non-existent, and the guy on the Little Red Truck can’t do a ton about it if your baby has a patent foramen ovale..

    Any of these things, more, and worse, may be present on that ambulance. Things that will have a worse outcome over time and may result in damage to any organ including the brain or maybe just death.

    The ambulance can help hold back the Reaper, but is neither designed nor equipped to do so for more than a short time. And every minute that ambulance is forced to remain in traffic is one more minute that it’s patient is closer to Death.

    There’s a variety of ways that I and those I worked with would probably have enthusiastically handled this type of thing (we DID carry rescue tools, afer all), but that was a more civilized time with an actual possibility the City would have had your back. I do have to respect the kids today have a MUCH worse political environment to operate in, a FAR more toxic media (a big factor, every FD is reminded TO THIS DAY of some crap an FD did with a firehose under the direction of a Democrat in the 1950s), and may also lack the courage to their convictions that comes with experience.

    But at the end of the day, ringed in tons of immobile metal, there’s not a lot you can do in the middle of a highway but care for your patient to the best of your ability, call for help, and pray someone gets their head out of their political ass long enough to provide it before your patient dies.

    Those kids on the bridge ain’t thinking about any of that. They aren’t thinking at ALL. They’ve been trained to hate, so that’s what they’re doing.

    They should at least be identified so they can be made to answer, personally and financially, for ALL the damages done to EVERY SINGLE PERSON they are effectively holding prisoner.

    And liable for murder if a patient in such straits dies.

  9. Farm Wife
    MONDAY, 8 JANUARY 2024, 9:04 AT 9:04 AM
    “It’s cold in Seattle, get fire trucks there and spray them with cold water. They won’t stay there for long.”

    …can’t do that. Fire departments are STILL shamed by doing that on behalf of Democrats 70 years ago. And don’t forget that FDs HAVE to operate in neighborhoods that will foster that hatred for them if we give them fresh, color images to make political points with…×9/full/1500/center/80/af84fcc7-dc32-444c-bd07-203cf1401811-23352734_BG2.jpg

    …Fire departments are not LEO. Law enforcement is MORE than capable of handling this on their own, if Communist media and Communist pols aren’t jamming their thumbs in the cops eyes every step I’d the way…

  10. What? No citizens with firearms to take shoot-&-scoot snipe shots at the Ham-ass? Even a 22LR would be enough to get their attention & off the road.

  11. I blame the assholes in the front of the line who actually stop. You don’t have to plow them down, just continue steadily at 5 mph and clear the path for everyone else.

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