Pro-Life Activist David Daleiden Goes On The Offensive, Sues Planned Parenthood Doctor – IOTW Report

Pro-Life Activist David Daleiden Goes On The Offensive, Sues Planned Parenthood Doctor


The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) has filed a defamation lawsuit against a former Planned Parenthood abortionist and medical director for false and defamatory claims about the group’s undercover videos.

In a video CMP published in 2015, Dr. Savita Ginde is shown discussing the benefits of selling aborted baby parts per organ compared to a flat rate per aborted baby.

“I think a per-item thing works a little better, just because we can see how much we can get out of it,” Ginde says in the video. She then describes the delivery of intact babies: “If someone delivers before we are able to see them for a procedure, then we are intact,” and, “Intact is probably less than 10 percent.”

After leaving Planned Parenthood in 2017, Ginde publicly claimed the footage of her conversation with David Daleiden was completely fabricated. In a Ted Talk presentation in which Ginde claims she is both pro-life and pro-choice, Ginde says the CMP videos are “dubbed,” “spliced and diced,” and “fake.” She also wrote a memoir in which she writes that the words in the footage are false and manipulated to “make it look like I did something that I have actually never done and said things I actually never said.”

The veracity of CMP’s videos has been confirmed now by both the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals and by Planned Parenthood officials themselves in last month’s federal trial against David Daleiden and his CMP colleagues. On the witness stand, Planned Parenthood confirmed, “The words used by [Planned Parenthood’s] personnel and the [CMP investigators] in the video recorded by the [investigators] were spoken by those persons.”

In a statement, Daleiden said abortion providers speaking honestly and publicly about their work is the reason CMP’s undercover videos have impacted the public conscience, “but anyone who tries to attack our undercover reporting by making false statements about our work should expect to make a public correction or be held accountable in a court of law.” read more

8 Comments on Pro-Life Activist David Daleiden Goes On The Offensive, Sues Planned Parenthood Doctor

  1. David fights Goliath! Victory for David must come from the Lord. To all compromising Christians, this is what true faith is in following Jesus Christ. Chick fil a has taken the easy way of cowardice no faith compared to this courageous man.

  2. These Ted Talks used to look pretty interesting and I was set to become a regular viewer. However, after doing a little searching of my own I can see that they have the same leftist agenda as most of the media.

  3. Fighting the evil of infant murder is a very good thing and absolutely should be done, but doing so will not help any lost person get into Heaven nor keep them out of Hell.

    God does not have a giant set of balance scales. He does not put all of our good deeds on one side and all of our sins on the other. We are not let into Heaven, or kept out, based on which side is heavier. Lots of professing Christians seem convinced that’s more or less how it will go, but it won’t. No amount of good work can remove even one ounce of sin from before His eyes…the most righteous deeds of a sinner are as filthy rags in His eyes.

    The shed blood of Christ ALONE removes sin, and that only through simple faith in what HE did FOR us, not in what we do or don’t do to earn it.


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