Pro-Trump congressional candidate rages at local newspaper for shameless attack against her Christian faith – IOTW Report

Pro-Trump congressional candidate rages at local newspaper for shameless attack against her Christian faith

BPR: There is a WAR on Christianity in America!

That’s according to Ohio state Rep. Christina Hagan, who shared a video online that detailed the treatment she received from columnist Brent Larkin.

@ClevelandDotCom published a DISGUSTING anti-Christian, sexist attack piece on me for being a woman of faith! They mocked me for praying! They even questioned my intelligence for believing in God!” the Republican lawmaker tweeted.

“If Christians can’t be honest about who we are, then what happened to the United States of America?” Hagan asked in the video.

Larkin was quick to tie Hagan, who’s running for Congress in Ohio’s 16th congressional district, to failed Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore. He took issue with her being pro-life and pro-Second Amendment, claiming Hagan’s a member in good standing of the GOP’s “caveman caucus.” MORE HERE

22 Comments on Pro-Trump congressional candidate rages at local newspaper for shameless attack against her Christian faith

  1. This columnist Larkin looks like his mind dried up the same way dog poop does in a hot summer sun. Ties her to Roy Moore only because they both running as GOP. Cracks on her like religious views the way the typical elitist liberal snob would. I guess he’s hoping for that one last shot to get on MSNBC as a panelist.

  2. I don’t know anything about her, but I can see Larkin went shopping at the local Leftist Propaganda store Falsehoods Я Us and pulled the standard crap off the shelves about Roy Moore that has been disproven. Kinda shoots a hole in his credibility big time!

  3. I too would like to join the Caveman Caucus. Where they eat meat,wear fur hats, enjoy the company of Cavegirls,drink Ales,and carry clubs to bash feminist males like Larkin.

  4. “If Christians can’t be honest about who we are, then what happened to the United States of America?”

    If she needs to ask, then she’s proven herself incompetent for the job she wants to be paid for.

  5. Fortunately, Republicans in the district have a far better option.

    He is Anthony Gonzalez, a 33-year-old Greater Cleveland native, and a football star while at St. Ignatius High School and Ohio State University. When Gonzalez’s NFL career was cut short by injuries, he was accepted at Stanford Business School, where he earned a master’s degree.

    Gonzalez is a thoughtful conservative. He’s young, bright and genuinely cares about issues related to all Americans – not just some. His Cuban ancestry and star-quality potential represent everything the Republican Party should embrace.

  6. @John December 31, 2017 at 11:19 am

    “Rhetorical questions
    stump you? Life must be hard.”

    Ah, the rhetorical “question”! The grifters most universal tool. “I never said that! You just assumed. Now gimme dats.”

    Grifting in a time of universal lies. Scams might be harder.

  7. People seem to be taking this too lightly. These attacks are the lefts new strategy to destroy conservative candidates. They proved it works by attacking Roy Moore’s past. I got sick of all the “he was a lousy candidate” crap. He was on our side and that is all that mattered. This will be borne out in future confrontations between Trump and the Senate.
    Getting Jones out in the future is a pipe dream. Once entrenched, always entrenched in the political machine.

  8. attacking any outspoken Christian is the leftists path to assumed glory. Any lie, any smear is being cued up to denigrate Believers. This style of attack that is gaining momentum among the Christ-haters. If this woman were any other religion (not Jewish) she would not have been attacked.

    But wait, she;s female. She should have been given a pass.

  9. She’s pretty, her lipstick is within the lines, she’s married and has children. Right away, that’s a problem for gay lefty males. She’s everything they can never ever be. That’s why the gay lefty male is a bigger bitch than all catty women combined. Meow.

  10. Her response isn’t what I would call Christian. Hey, aren’t we supposed to suffer persecution? Why not invite Larkin to her church or home to meet her family for dinner? Looks like a great opportunity to minister and promote her faith.

  11. “If Christians can’t be honest about who we are, then what happened to the United States of America?”

    If she needs to ask, then she’s proven herself incompetent for the job she wants to be paid for.”

    Hmmm, I did not know we where a republic of scientific determinism. Her question is appropriate for our nation. Also, why do you need to come here and mistreat her? I think you must be a gayboy who cannot achieve the recognition you want. Get lost!

    2A4ever, how about you go and get some persecution from Islam or any other religion? This Larkin guy already knows about the Holy Bible and witnessing to him will accomplish nothing.

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