Pro-Trump Republican Moves To Ban Illegal Aliens From Government Assistance – IOTW Report

Pro-Trump Republican Moves To Ban Illegal Aliens From Government Assistance

Palmieri Report:

Rep. Glenn Grothman (R-WI) is moving to ban all illegal aliens from getting public assistance….

A congressman who is considered among the most loyal supporters of former President Donald Trump is pushing Congress to go further than even the previous administration attempted with a move to bar immigrants from federal assistance programs. more

11 Comments on Pro-Trump Republican Moves To Ban Illegal Aliens From Government Assistance

  1. Anyone who honestly wishes to contribute to the country that provides them work to feed their families would think it is a no-brainer to follow the legal route. Illegals and those who employ them are not being honest to anyone or themselves.
    If others can do it, everyone can.

  2. Hey Sasse, does this make it clear how it should work?

    The rule of law matters, as does the Constitution, and for as much bloviating about how you did your Constitutional duty, you did not, and you know it.

    Do the right thing and resign.


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