Probe clears pro-Trump Pentagon analyst, report withheld from defense team – IOTW Report

Probe clears pro-Trump Pentagon analyst, report withheld from defense team

Washington Times:

A confidential counterintelligence investigation cleared suspended Pentagon analyst Adam S. Lovinger on allegations of leaking data to the news media, but officials never told his defense team.

The Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) examined Mr. Lovinger’s use of classified computer networks. In a 2018 report, the NCIS said its review “did not reveal any potential CI [counter intelligence] concerns,” according to a copy obtained by The Washington Times.

Mr. Lovinger’s attorney, Sean Bigley, has now filed a complaint with the Defense Department inspector general. He accuses Pentagon officials who targeted his client of a “serious ethics violation” by withholding the exoneration.

The NCIS probe was closed September 2018, and the report signed in November. Mr. Lovinger’s administrative trial began the next month.

Mr. Bigley is trying to convince the Pentagon IG that his client is a victim of whistleblower reprisal. Mr. Lovinger’s employer, the Pentagon Office of Net Assessment, accused him of mishandling “sensitive” material, a charge his lawyer said essentially is made up since there is no such classification.

“This single NCIS document undercuts about 80% of the government’s sham case against him,” Mr. Bigleytold The Times. “No wonder DoD withheld it. No leak, and he didn’t have any ‘sensitive’ documents on his computer so he couldn’t have been mishandling ‘sensitive’ information on his computer.”

The NCIS report said an analysis of the hard drive on Mr. Lovinger’s U.S. government-issued Dell computer “did not yield any classified or sensitive information.”

In the declassified version of the report, the word “not” is missing. An NCIS spokesman told The Times on Wednesday that the file copy is being corrected to add the word “not.” MORE

SNIP: Dan Bongino explains (explanation here– start at the 28:11 mark) that whistleblower Adam Lovinger was investigating suspicious payments- which he discovered was made to a spy, who turned out to be Halper. [You’ll remember Halper from the Mueller ‘investigation’.]
The Deep state tried to set up the whistleblower to be charged with criminal activity to distract from what was going on.

5 Comments on Probe clears pro-Trump Pentagon analyst, report withheld from defense team

  1. Man, Oh Man. There are so many slime trails coming
    off of the hundreds of treasonous coup plotters that
    Hillary gurged up, that a book of a thousand pages
    couldn’t list them all and their massive malfeasance
    against our Constitutional Republic.
    These creatures must be severely punished to stop
    this in the future.

  2. This sounds like a Courts Martial offense that end with lots of time in Leavenworth and a dishonorable discharge for everyone on that prosecution team (and that would likely be most of the senior people). At this stage though I tend to doubt anything of substance will happen.

  3. What a bunch of Obama Assholes,P.Trump should go in and fire all of them on the spot. He is their boss,just wait,after 2020 he will purge them when he gets the chance.
    These are the ones that will have a group of troops that will kill us as they try to take our guns.


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