Procter & Gamble’s identity-politics pandering – IOTW Report

Procter & Gamble’s identity-politics pandering

If P&G isn’t willing to tackle the full complexity of race relations in 21st-century America, perhaps the company should stick to selling diapers instead of filling them.

You have to see what brought on that comment by Michelle Malkin

16 Comments on Procter & Gamble’s identity-politics pandering

  1. Procter & Gamble is a manufacturer. They make shit, we buy it. Unless we choose not to. Why are they bringing up this 1968 Race Relations bull shit? How does this help them promote their products? I guess they think their shit doesn’t stink.

    I could go on all night. Fuck them.

  2. I had “the talk” with my white daughter when she went off for her first year of college. It was along the typical lines of always paying attention to your surroundings. I told her the most difficult part to discuss was how blacks act like animals when they are in packs. That she must strictly avoid situations where there were large gatherings of blacks, should think twice before stopping at a fast food joint after dark and most certainly should pay attention to the current customers before entering. When she went shopping during the weekend it should be upscale stores and malls and, should a large group of blacks appear, it was time to seek shelter with a group, not stand around and watch.

    I’m 67 and had to explain that race relations have seriously declined in my lifetime and there is a growing group of feral racists who are going to become seriously dangerous when the government cheese runs out. Should a major disaster occur while she is in school she is to get in her car and get herself back to this relatively safe, well provisioned, armed household that is surrounded by like minded neighbors that we know as friends.

    That is the uncomfortable talk white parents have to have with their children these days.

  3. My mother had ‘the talk’ with me before college except it was all about money and budgeting.

    Viva paper towels got my business this week since Bounty is P&G brand. I prefer Aldi or GFS store brand to more expensive P&G.

    Brad do you still have the link to P&G brands?

  4. 💢 My God 💢

    Why didn’t they just include a “How to” segment on how to avoid the Ku Klux Klan, slave hunters, and how to make it to Canada undetected in the back of a hollowed-out hay wagon?

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