Prof. Ford Flunks as a Female Role Model – IOTW Report

Prof. Ford Flunks as a Female Role Model

American Thinker: In Shirley Jackson’s short story, “The Lottery” – published in 1948 and later made into a film – a rural community holds its annual drawing, after which the unlucky winner is stoned to death.  This pagan-like ritual presumed personal culpability for whatever ills had befallen the town since the last lottery.  Jackson’s chilling tale is one of superstition and human sacrifice practiced on behalf of self-interest.

To be fair, the story’s lottery made no distinction among townspeople based on sex, race, wealth, opinion, occupation, or popularity.  In the piece, it was a woman with a sterling reputation who met her end at the willing hands of her neighbors.  To that extent, it seems less shocking than what has happened in the current “lottery” to choose a Supreme Court justice, since in the present ordeal there is implicit bias based almost entirely on a progressive ideology built on by “identity politics.”

In this latest Kavanaugh scenario – in which the ultimate objective is to stone to death the object’s reputation by way of advancing one’s own political interests – the white conservative male is most likely to have the lottery tickets stacked against him.  The Democrat leadership has methodically assembled its own stockpile of societal, racial, ideological, and sexual missiles to hurl at the accused.  These liberal insurgents are by no means innocent Davids taking aim at Goliath.  Rather, they are power-hungry government “servants” out to vanquish a well reputed conservative Republican with as many smooth stones as it takes.

Now that the “Me Too” movement has become rooted in our consciousness, Democrats are eagerly harvesting it for selfish political gain.  Any resistance to the assumption that an accusing woman is not immediately and totally to be believed is no longer tolerated.  The very idea has become, in itself, a form of guilt.  We all know the framework of Judge Kavanaugh’s ordeal.  What we lack are the details, which no longer matter to those out to destroy him.

Democrats seem to presume that by coming out categorically in favor of females – at least when it comes down to sexual encounters – they will secure the hearts, and more importantly, the votes, of all women.  But this is not happening.  Many of us are astute enough to see beyond the case at hand to the frightening prospect that our men – our husbands, fathers, sons, and friends – will be likewise scarred for life by unsubstantiated scandal and innuendo.  more

17 Comments on Prof. Ford Flunks as a Female Role Model

  1. I hope she gets a defamation suit filed against her. If that happens she won’t receive all the kit glove treatment she was given today. I bet some shark could tease the truth out of her quickly and have her blubbering away uncontrollably.
    Also it was never brought up that her parents lost in a foreclosure hearing with Kavanaughs mother as a judge.

  2. Four questions for Chrissy Ford:

    1. Is part of your emotional trauma due to the fact that you should have pursued this case 35 years ago and possibly prevented other women from being victims?

    2. You have two sons. If one of them would do at age 15-16 what you claim was done to you, would you want that one isolated incident to prevent your son from attaining his highest career goals?

    3. What wound be the proper punishment and how long should that punishment last?

    4. If one of your sons was accused of an assault 35 years after the fact, no witnesses or corroborating evidence available and a woman in her 50’s reverts back to being as helpless and innocent as a little child steps forward with a foggy memory and as many holes in her story as swiss cheese, would you believe your son or the woman that can’t remember anything other than it was your son?

  3. “Now that the “Me Too” movement has become rooted in our consciousness…”


    Oh, come ON: I expect this sort of SurrenderMonkeyRINO garbage at Hot Gas…err…Hot Air…but not from American Thinker. (Sorry, MJA, but) that’s why I keep a skeptical eye on *anything* from that site. Lifson really needs to up his game.

  4. If I had to put my money on an individual it would definitely be Kavanaugh. While I cringed at his interview earlier this week on Fox News, I was fist-pumping at is opening statement (and yes, there were tears in my eyes at times). No, I don’t believe any of the three or four or six people that have come forward claiming that Brett Kavanaugh is a serial rapist. That is just my common-sense looking at all the details. My sister and I often talk to each other how we can figure out somebody just from talking to them or listening to them. People have it and some people don’t and the best judges have it and Brett has it and he can understand why other people don’t.
    This is how PT Barnum became rich. There was a sucker born every minute. But there is also some one born every minute that is not a sucker and we are the people that can listen to someone speak in Hoenn in on exactly what their personality is. What I like about this site is that all of you seem to have that same insight. You are not jockeyed by some lame news report or alledged public opinion.

  5. Lindsey Graham may have provided *exactly* the needed kick in the a$$ Flake (and other on-the-fence GOPers) needed:

    Graham is one of the few GOP Senators who could sway/persuade those “on the fence” RINOs like Flake/Murkowski to vote YES…AND THIS SPEECH LIKELY DID THAT.

    God bless that Miss Lindsey started taking the right medicine at the right time

  6. It is reported that C B Ford is a top level CIA pro who teaches CIA interns CIA methodology. Also her father was top level CIA so she was raised to be an operative to do just what she is getting away with doing now. So does anyone really think these Congressional stooges are not just performing their scripted parts in this corrupted scenario?

  7. Leftists play an excellent long game. They started #metoo, knowing there would be significant damage on their side. Their investment is now paying off. The target was always going to be Conservatives and anyone else who got in their way.

    What the Left have never been good at is keeping it real. They always overreach, overact and overreact. Still, they have continually won because conservative leaders have shown no backbone.

    Obama revealed the Democrats’ long game early in his first term. Chaos, or as it is more commonly known, “This is What Democracy Looks Like,” is their go-to play.

    Prominent Democrat senators are already saying that confirming Kavanaugh without a thorough FBI investigation would delegitimize any future rulings by the Supreme Court. This would more properly be defined as, Democrats never really lose, because they are perfectly capable and willing to destroy what they cannot control.

  8. Dear God, that was the worst female representative on earth. She came off childish, stupid, gullible and pathetic. She reminded me of all those divorced women that men eventually run away from, willingly giving them half of everything just to be free.

  9. That hearing my friends and the events leading up to it were a modern-day tragic comedy written by the folks who do it best the entertainment writers in Hollywood! The Democrats put together a team made up of two writers from Saturday Night live, two from a modern-day Sit-Com and two from a daily soap opera series! Emmy’s to be given out later!

  10. that commie bint doesn’t even know if she paid for a polygraph test …. & then proceeds to throw her (so-called) bff under the bus

    & btw, it’s nice to know she conquered her fear of flying …. (eye roll)

  11. when she said hippocampus, epinephrine and norepinephrine in one sentence in the very few first minutes, she totally blew it for me. (no that isn’t what I meant- I wouldn’t let her near me). She was trying to assert her superior knowledge in psychology. Didn’t work, nor did she demonstrate any level of knowledge above a good high school education.
    I want to see her interviewed, as I wonder what her real, unaffected voice sounds like. I bet she is really bossy and crude. And I’d like to see what her real glasses look like, if she wears any at all.

  12. she definitely flunks at lying.
    I think she needs her hippocampus checked out.
    I was wondering about her ‘2 front doors’- the need for which triggered her recollections when they were remodeling her house in 2012. That came up in counseling, she said, and she then told her story. She said. Except- her remodeling, as reflected by city issued building permits, took place in 2008. And apparently she rents out part of her house to google people. Maybe that is the reason for the second door.
    And I thought she might be running a clandestine mosque and the second door was the entrance for women. Silly me. Its always the permits. They bite you right in the ass, they do.
    That ‘campus she got ain’t too hip it turns out.
    lyin’ bitch

  13. By the demoncraps bringing up all this RAPE and RAPE and RAPE and RAPE and RAPE, they have actually caused A LOT of their voters to become so upset about their own personal experiences with sexual assault all over again. Making them relive it OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER again. Disgusting. #runasfastasyoucan


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