“Professional Conservatives” – IOTW Report

“Professional Conservatives”

…the professional conservatives can get back to the hard work of fluffing Joe Biden, admiring his genteel manner, and criticizing around the edges with no risk to the status quo or to their bottom line.

Seventeen States Have Now Joined the Texas Lawsuit So Why Are Professional Conservatives Calling It Crazy?


As I posted a few days ago (see Texas Attorney General Tries to Drag a Kicking and Screaming Supreme Court Into President Trump’s Reelection Fight) Texas has filed a suit against six states where the vote totals from the November. Despite a false start that nearly put me in the position of being wrong, something I really, really don’t like, see BREAKING. Eight More States Join the Texas SCOTUS Case [Taking A Deep Breath] (a DailyKos commenter, back in the 2005 era, once referred to me as someone who would rather pinch off my own head than admit to being wrong…xe/xir was right), my colleague Nick Arama  reported last night that 17 states have joined in the Texas lawsuit, see Missouri, 16 Other States Have Now Filed Briefs With SCOTUS in Support of Texas Against Swing States

My colleague Shipwreckedcrew provides insights on what the case is about here: There is a Compelling Theoretical Case Behind the Complaint Texas Wants to File in the Supreme Court.

These are the only two offices where the voting in one state has a direct impact on the voters of other states. For those two offices, do states have cognizable rights to expect that each and every other state will conduct elections for President and Vice President in a manner that guarantees ballot integrity, and a fair and accurate count of the votes?

What recourse do one or more states have in the face of evidence that one or more other states have failed to produce — intentionally or by negligence — an election process and ballot count with integrity?

If the Supreme Court is not a forum where such disputes can be aired and resolved, what forum is there? Congress is controlled by the same partisanship that is said to be the cause of the irregularities at the state and local level.

I would go even further. If states are allowed to arbitrarily and capriciously change voting procedures in such a way that the vote can be manipulated to produce a particular result, do those states even meet the Constitutional requirement of having a “republican form of government?” more here

15 Comments on “Professional Conservatives”

  1. Ronny called them “NeoCommies” 40 years ago. Dick got the Press to change the “m” to “n” so nowadays we say Neocon. Same liberaq “Republicans”; “MSM changed their monikers to protect their leftism.”!
    I stole your line Jack. RIP!

  2. “Have the respective National Guards face off?”

    Happened before, Oklahoma and Texas once had a dispute over which side of the Red River the Oklahoma border started on (Oil was involved as well as a toll bridge and a free bridge on a US highway and both States wanted the other State’s side and access) and then Gov, “Alfalfa” Bill Murray ordered their National Guard to occupy and set up machine gun emplacements on the south side to keep Texas out. IIRC (it’s been a long time) it resulted in a sort of standoff in the middle of the bridge between the two States and the whole thing just finally went away with both sides giving up after a lot of time in Court that didn’t rally solve the rivalry but ended it.

    Today Texas and Oklahoma still ferociously attack each other on a regular basis, but it’s done on the football field instead of a bridge now.

  3. If the national guard has face offs, I can attest dc and md will be absolutely squashed in minutes. DC was so bad they weren’t allowed to deploy to Iraq. Pretty bad when you can’t even be used as cannon fodder.

  4. There is no going back. The deep state / political complex used to be vague concept or a conspiracy theory. It is now known far and wide that it exists. It has been completely reveled. There will be no business as usual from now on no matter what the outcome.

  5. Professional Grifters is closer to the truth. All full of boasts and finger pointing…until it’s time to actually do something, then it’s time to go hide under the Lame Stream Communist Media’s skirts.

  6. “These are the only two offices where the voting in one state has a direct impact on the voters of other states.”

    Bull feces! Vote fraud in California has given us such gems as Pelosi, Schiff, Waters, Swalwell and Nadler plus a couple of senators. Vote fraud in Illinois brings its own crop of cretins. Everybody is affected by anybody holding a national office. Vote fraud is the glue holding the Democratic party together. They couldn’t exist without it.


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