Professor Rewrites the Pledge of Allegiance – IOTW Report

Professor Rewrites the Pledge of Allegiance

Campus Reform-

Dr. Charles Angeletti, a self-proclaimed atheist and socialist professor of American Civilization at the publicly funded Denver university, required students recite the satirical Pledge of Allegiance during the fall 2014 semester according to a class flier obtained by Campus Reform.

“I pledge allegiance to and wrap myself in the flag of the United States
Against Anything Un-American and to the Republicans for which it stands,
two nations, under Jesus, rich against poor, with curtailed liberty and
justice for all except blacks, homosexuals, women who want abortions,
Communists, welfare queens, treehuggers, feminazis, illegal immigrants,
children of illegal immigrants, and you if you don’t watch your step.”



Isn’t he saying, in a sense, that he pledges allegiance to communists, tree-huggers, welfare queens and illegal immigrants?


10 Comments on Professor Rewrites the Pledge of Allegiance

  1. Where are the bold revolutionary students willing to stand up to Professor Kidneystone and loudly recite the REAL Pledge of Allegiance over and over and over until he quails in terror and removes himself from the premises? Or do SJWs have a monopoly on high-decibel campus activism? I fear the young Right is peopled with quisling toady chickensh*7s. We will know the pendulum swings in our favor when these skid-mark Profs are given the kind of treatment by students who disagree with them as that which we have seen doled out by vocal students at any number of Universities against conservatives.

  2. We really need to start deporting these ass holes. There’s a big selection of countries that currently have the form of government they want. Let relocate them so they are happy. Especially if they’re teaching our kids.

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