Professor Who Refused To Obey “Preferred Pronouns” Can Continue Lawsuit, Appeals Court Rules – IOTW Report

Professor Who Refused To Obey “Preferred Pronouns” Can Continue Lawsuit, Appeals Court Rules

Legal Insurrection-

The level of speech control on campuses in mind-numbing. If you’ve followed the dozens, maybe hundreds, of cases and incidents we’ve covered in the last decade, you’d know that campuses are the most intolerant places in the country, though corporations are catching up quickly.

The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals just handed a victory to Dr. Nicholas Meriwether, a philosophy professor at Shawnee State University, who committed the thought crime of refusing to obey a student’s demand to use the student’s preferred pronoun.

Alliance Defending Freedom, which represented Dr. Meriwether, provides this background summary of the case:

Dr. Nicholas Meriwether has spent more than two decades as a philosophy professor at Shawnee State University in southern Ohio, where he has focused his scholarship and teaching on the intersection of philosophy, ethics, religion, and political theory. During a political philosophy class he was teaching, Professor Meriwether responded to a male student’s question by saying, “Yes, sir.” Professor Meriwether responded in this fashion because he refers to all his students as “sir” or “ma’am” or by a title (Mr. or Miss, for example) followed by their last name to foster an atmosphere of seriousness and mutual respect. After the class, the student approached Professor Meriwether, stated that he was transgender, and demanded that the professor refer to him as a woman, with feminine titles and pronouns. When Meriwether did not instantly agree, the student became belligerent, circling around Meriwether and getting in his face in a threatening fashion while telling him, “Then I guess this means I can call you a c**t.” Before walking away, the student promised to get Meriwether fired if he did not agree to the student’s demands.


25 Comments on Professor Who Refused To Obey “Preferred Pronouns” Can Continue Lawsuit, Appeals Court Rules

  1. This isn’t about respect and tolerance — it’s about getting other people to submit. You wanna be a freak, be my fucking guest, but I’m not supporting you in your delusions.

  2. I’m not sure what language usage has to do with religion — not a great legal excuse. Speech works better, but I suspect that an individual has the right to be addressed in the manner the individual wants.

    Not sure why instead of sir or ma’am, the professor didn’t just call people “Student Smith” or “Smith”. and drop the titles. Everyone the same, and no trannies able to get the thrill of being addressed as a female, no one able to cause trouble. Why even let them “have” a “gender”.

    Pick your battles.

  3. These tranny freaks get so butt hurt when people ‘misgender’ them. If the trannies in any way, shape, or form resembled the gender they are pretending to be, they wouldn’t get ‘misgendered’. Hence, the butt hurtness.

  4. Most colleges and universities have student codes of conduct. I’m pretty sure that approaching a professor in a threatening manner ought to have had the student expelled and banned from campus, but these are different times and rules are for suckers.

  5. “I’m not sure what language usage has to do with religion — not a great legal excuse.”

    So you’re ok with perverts having the power to force you to violate your own conscience any time they want to?

  6. Why is your “right” to be called what you “prefer” to be called greater than my “right” to call you what I “prefer” to call you?

    I’ve never understood this.

  7. “I’ve never understood this.”

    May I offer the simplest explanation that I’m aware of?

    This entire corrupt, ungodly world system has been Satan’s for so long that the Bible says he’s essentially the god of it…for now.

    God Almighty still rules over all but He is not presently pouring out His just wrath, in favor of extending grace and mercy in Christ to the lost and perishing…for now.

    His grace and mercy will end without warning. In the meantime, Satan is allowed sway over the world system to help demonstrate what’s already obvious: that Man is thoroughly sinful and without excuse…that the more wickedness is allowed, the more wicked Man will become. This sets the stage for His holy wrath and judgment.

    So for now, there are those who for a brief season seem to prosper in their wickedness. The pervert in this story may yet prove to be one of these. Not because God doesn’t see or care, but only because the wicked are (if ignorantly and in unbelief) on the side of Satan, the (for now) “god” of this world.

    Read the words long written down: the Day of Christ is coming, very soon I am convinced, when calamity like nothing seen before will fall upon them all, and that without grace or mercy.

  8. You don’t have a “right” to be called anything. You anticipate that people will be courteous when addressing one another as a way to move in a civil society. A preferred pronoun is a desire and when not used as hoped a resulting hissy fit is just looking to create a problem. As this young man’s response to the professor of “I’ll get you fired” clearly shows. Not an appropriate response to a supposed slight. Tbe professor suggested just using his last name, that wasn’t good enough, extortion was clearly the goal.

  9. If you can get people to submit to a phony construct with the absurdity level turned up to eleven, you can get them to submit to anything! Make no mistake about it they’re coming for our guns, our money and our freedoms! Little dictators today, big totatitarian control tomorrow!

  10. If they are granted the right to force you to call them whatever they want, it won’t stop there. Next they’ll demand the right to call YOU and YOUR kids whatever THEY want, because reasons.

  11. I have a theory: Many trannies are evil, sick motherfuckers.

    Gays and lesbians are ill-advised to truck with tranny psychos and for good reason. Being a tranny isn’t a sexual orientation. If some man tells you he’s gay or some woman tells you she’s a lesbian, you have no reason not to believe them lacking any other evidence. But when some dude who is obviously a dude tells you he’s a woman, that fucker is batshit crazy. And if he insists you BELIEVE he’s a woman too, then you’re getting into dystopian evil territory, and that crazy fucker is your enemy.


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