Professor Wins $400,000 From University That Harassed Him Over Pronoun Use – IOTW Report

Professor Wins $400,000 From University That Harassed Him Over Pronoun Use


n January 2018, Professor Nicholas Meriwether at Shawnee State University responded to a male student’s question by saying “Yes, sir.”

The student then approached him and told Meriwether that he was transgender and wanted to be referred to him as a woman.

When Meriwether didn’t agree, the student complained to the university.

The student then filed a complaint with the university, which launched a formal investigation. Meriwether offered to call the student by first or last name, but the student insisted that Meriwether use pronouns and titles consistent with the student’s gender identity. University officials ultimately rejected any compromise that would allow Meriwether to speak according to his conscience and sincerely held religious beliefs. Instead, they formally charged him, saying “he effectively created a hostile environment” for the student simply by declining to use the feminine pronouns demanded by the student. Later, they placed a written warning in his personnel file and threatened “further corrective actions” unless he articulates the university’s ideological message.

Merriweather has officially won the legal battle against the university. more

19 Comments on Professor Wins $400,000 From University That Harassed Him Over Pronoun Use

  1. I honestly don’t get when a gal declares herself as she/her. Well…DUH! Same with a dude who declares himself as he/him. Well…DUH! What’s the motive behind it or is there one? Is it that they want everyone to know they know how to use pronouns?

    Now when one person starts wading into they/them and beyond pronoun territory then it starts to get dicey real quick. They obviously had a bad teacher who sucked at grammar.

  2. To: Roger, His Highness and Supreme Commander,

    But those are titles, not pronouns, sir.

    Yours truly,
    General Malaise
    Master Gardener, Chief Cook, Bottle Washer and Polka King

  3. Yes, Roger, but I have four titles and you only have two! And my minions are grunts who work in the dirt and then you eat their food. So, watch it!

    (Hold on, I’m hearing music… Polka?!)

  4. Just one of the new race wars, he, she, him, her, them, they, & it.
    Black/White just wasn’t enough conflict.
    And they still have the JAB/Not JAB to promote more, it is coming.
    Expect Covid Borg variant in October.
    Resistance is futile, assimilate.

  5. Public university. So is the taxpayer getting stuck with paying for the hubris of high education? The administration at the university should be terminated. And they can suggest any pronouns they want on their pink slip

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