Professors mock administrators for shouting down speech at Aspen Ideas Festival – IOTW Report

Professors mock administrators for shouting down speech at Aspen Ideas Festival

CampusReform: Some of the nation’s most esteemed professors and authors railed against college administrators’ failure to respect free speech on campus during this year’s Aspen Ideas Festival.

The Atlantic was there to cover the event, where scholars such as Yale law professor Stephen Carter and Interim President of Mizzou Michael Middleton went head-to-head in an open panel on student protests and the First Amendment.

During one exchange, Carter ridiculed the current climate for free speech, saying professors and administrators alike do not give alternative views air to breathe on campus.

“The notion that we’re going to start taking ideas off the table because we don’t like them is enormously dangerous and threatens the enterprise,” he said.  more

2 Comments on Professors mock administrators for shouting down speech at Aspen Ideas Festival

  1. I come from the position that an argument should be able to stand on its own merits, not be shouted down by some asshole(s) who acts like an eight year old girl because he can’t argue logically… especially those erudite, self-absorbed “perfessers” who just shut it down because they “know better” and really don’t want to complicate their cocooned, out-of-touch, comfortable college life agenda with facts.

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