Profile in Cowardice – IOTW Report

Profile in Cowardice

Patriot Retort: It’s a good thing Kamala Harris didn’t go the Kirsten Gillibrand route and choose “Brave” as her campaign slogan.  Because at the end of the day, the Kamala Harris for the People campaign was a profile in cowardice.

In the wee hours of the night last night, I got to thinking about her graceless exit from the 2020 race. And it suddenly occurred to me that Kamala took the coward’s way out.

But of course she did.

As I mentioned the other day, I went back and read every single post I wrote about Kamala Harris since she first entered the Senate.  And one recurring theme in a lot of them was political calculation.

Every Senate speech, every confirmation hearing, every tweet – everything Kamala did was a calculated effort to bolster her public profile in preparation for a run in 2020.  Hell, even her run for the Senate was all about preparing herself for a 2020 run.

It isn’t as if she was good at hiding her calculation. I mean, way back in June of 2017, I saw exactly what Kamala Harris was — a Resume-Packing Future Presidential Candidate.

With that in mind, ask yourself one question.

If running for President was Kamala’s goal all along, why drop out of the race before a single primary?

Cowardice.  That’s why.

Cowardice and calculation.

Kamala Harris wanted to leave the 2020 race while still maintaining the impression that she is a popular, up-and-coming, rising star of the Democrat Party.  Trust me.  Kamala fully intends to run for the White House again in 2024.

For crying out loud, it’s the only damn reason she ran for the Senate to begin with. She’s not going to give up on her dream. read more

13 Comments on Profile in Cowardice

  1. I didn’t get a chance to vote against her. I’m not a member of her political party. The political party that is overflowing with racist, misogynistic white men, but somehow depends on colored people to elect the majority of its candidates to office at every level in every election. I’m just grateful that she isn’t a billionaire like Little Mikey, or we would have to listen to her screeching and hectoring for another six months. She lost this election when she sided with the liars that were defaming Justice Brett Kavanaugh. So did Spartacus Booker, but that’s another loser who will also run out of money shortly, because the Democrat-Socialist-Reparations-Homosexualists Party isn’t really ready for another colored President.

  2. She actually needs a democrap president, in order to BE, “effective.” 🤔

    Trump ain’t no Willie Brown – he ain’t takin’ any SCHNARLIN’S from that yawing maw… 😮

  3. Harris didn’t fail in gathering support because of Conservatives. We are not to blame.

    It’s the white leftist racists in the Democrat Party who forced her out of the race


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