Progressive California Colleges Won’t Pay the Minimum Wage Increase – IOTW Report

Progressive California Colleges Won’t Pay the Minimum Wage Increase


The Daily Caller

California’s minimum wage is $9 an hour for all workers, but on October 1 the city Berkeley implemented a local ordinance raising it to $10, seeking to improve conditions for low-skill workers in a city with a high cost of living. However, the city cannot compel state government entities to pay the higher wage, and so UC-Berkeley, the city’s largest employer, has exploited its state affiliation to keep paying 25 percent of its student employees less than the city minimum, according to a report byInside Higher Ed.

The school isn’t alone. Several other cities in California, including San Francisco, Oakland and San Jose have approved local statues increasing their minimum wage above the state minimum. In San Francisco, where the minimum is $10.74, San Francisco State University has used its exemption to keep 44 percent of student employees paid less than that.


7 Comments on Progressive California Colleges Won’t Pay the Minimum Wage Increase


    When are the liberal minions going to WAKE UP and realize that their “leaders” only use them as pawns?

    Come on over, the conservative view is much more beautiful from here!

    Just ask David Horowitz. 🙂

  2. We can’t survive on $8.25 per hour.

    That’s interesting. We can’t survive paying taxes and prices to support you getting more than $5 per hour. Since we’re right and you’re wrong, you lose.

    You want $15.00 per hour for serving fries? Go to North Dakota. They have more jobs than they have people. 15 bux per is the going rate at McDonald’s restaurants there.

    See ya!

  3. FTA: “… the UC system has recently given big pay boosts to some of its top executives, leading many to criticize its claims of a money shortage. For example, earlier this year, UC-Berkeley vice chancellor and provost Claude Steele received a pay increase of $75,000, raising his base salary from $375,000 to $450,000. That raise could have paid for a higher minimum wage for 220 student employees working 20 hours a week over a 17-week semester.”

    So tell me again why it’s such a crime to give big compensation and benefit packages to corporate managers?

  4. Why don’t you ask the liberal UC-Berkeley professors that? I didn’t know UC-Berkeley was part of a big corporation. I thought they were dependent on State/Fed funds and high tuitions.

  5. “We can’t survive …”

    You understand that if you “can’t survive,” then you expire, right?

    Well, why would that bother me? Not trying to be a hard ass, but why would that bother me, at all? Pack up your shit and move to Mexico or Cuba or North Korea or wherever you’ll get a better deal.

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