Progressive Indoctrination in Church – IOTW Report

Progressive Indoctrination in Church

American Thinker:

I became aware that the “Head Start” program for preschool children is not simply preparation for elementary school work when this federally funded program trickled into a church in Maine during Sunday School.  I was music director at the time (the 1980s), and the choir gathered in the church’s assembly hall before the start of each Sunday service, as children gathered for their Sunday session.

Wittingly or not, the church had allowed a de facto collusion between secular and sacred teaching.  Unsuspecting families were in fact exposing their children to ideas more in line with paganism than with Christianity.  It was a subtle form of indoctrination.  I was not amused when I saw, among the children’s playthings, dolls of both sexes that were “anatomically correct.”  Parents who might justifiably object to this  public display of what was formerly a private matter were out of luck.

Unmistakable evidence of tampering with Christian doctrine came during the Sunday School lessons.  Children were being made to understand that Jesus was not at all different from you or me, that He was simply an extra-nice and loving man.  The Christian tenets that He is the Son of God, divine, and without sin were details left out of the narrative.  The relation between Jesus and His Father – to whom the adults on the other side of the church wall would pray (“Our Father…”) – was also omitted.  And God loves you, no matter what you do was the only side of Christian theology emphasized.  The “go and sin no more” side was not even whispered.

Bye-bye, sin, bye-bye, guilt, bye-bye, all the best and most humane moral brakes on waywardness and wrongdoing ever manifested in sacred Scripture.  more here

13 Comments on Progressive Indoctrination in Church

  1. When my brother and I were really young I remember a disagreement between my father and mother about going to church. Dad’s contention was we were no longer attending a church where we were encouraged to vote foe DEMOCRATS. Protestant. Married a Catholic. And if you marry a Catholic your a Catholic. We longer regularly attend Catholic church. Her decision, not mine.

  2. This was in Maine so it sounds like the Unitarians as they have no doctrine. Say what you will about the fallibility with the members and clergy of the Catholic Church, their doctrine is sound and unwavering. You might get liberalism creep in some churches with some clergy, but the Word always (forever) stands above this sort of thing in the long run.

    And if you are Catholic and by that I mean that you have actually read the Bible (unlike a lot of Clergy that are in that position because they couldn’t get a real job, you are NOT liberal

  3. The Historical-Critical method of Bible interpretation (rationalism – rationalizing AWAY all the miracles of Father, Son, & Holy Spirit) began UN-doing orthodox Protestantism in the 19th century, having been pushed by UN-believing 18th century “enlightenment” sorts. It even got endorsed by il papa in Vatican II.

    By the time your little church in Maine welcomed it with open arms, it was the FINAL symptom of death – NOT, the first. 🙁

  4. This sort of thing has only gone on as long as it has due to the reluctance of the average Christian to stand up when something isn’t right. When there is a prick in your spirit you need to speak up, not stay silent out of fear of being ostracized.

    Also if more people were willing to give debate and challenge their pastor on occasion, it wouldn’t be seen as such a taboo thing to do.

    Remember that the devil and all evil thrives in the dark and in secrecy. An open secret is one of the most common and vile sins in our society today.

  5. chuffed-beyond-words

    My wifes pretty easy going until she thinks somebody is doing her wrong. She’s was, calmly, initially, in the face of Catholic priests. They basically disrespected her. We still attend at Christmas and Easter. The rest of the year we attend a non denominational church.

  6. Socialism in American churches is a cancer. The church I’ve attended for 30 yrs. now has a young SJW pastor who preaches against conservatism – sin and God’s holiness are footnotes.
    He took over after his dad, the Bishop, an awesome man of God passed away and he’s now being personally mentored by celebrity status reprobate C3 “pastors” Matt Fry and Larry Osborne, to name a few.
    The pastor’s a good kid who has been lead astray. It’s really disheartening. My son grew up in this church. Praying for my pastor and the congregation, but also asking God for another place to worship.

  7. Some still think of the Southern Baptist Convention as a bulwark against liberalism. There are, inexplicably, lots of social conservative members still there but Jimmy Carter is more in line doctrinally with where the SBC has really leaned for several decades…weak, loosey goosey, increasingly liberalized evangelical…apostate. And even THAT puts them behind pretty much all other prot denominations that are long gone and long dead, if indeed they ever lived.

    /ex independent fundamental Baptist

  8. @jpm, thank you for being a true spiritual Catholic. Even if the Pope openly declares that Karl was the actual Second-Coming, l still have my Bibles (7, all Catholic and of various ages) and the Catholic Catechism. Somewhere I will find a faithful RC Church, or die trying.

  9. If my Pastor for any reason ever decided to take us down the SJW route I would leave the church immediately. A lot of the rest of us would as well, I don’t think that he would since we are a small church that preaches and teaches the true Gospel, but just in case they would lose me as a member forever. What we need is a new Reformation, a new Martin Luther to boldly proclaim that it’s not about us or what we can do to please God so we look good but it’s all about God and what he did to save us from our sins. I’ve got every merit badge to prove just how good a Christian I am before my former church broke up in 2004, I’ve done all the programs and more and it didn’t amount to a hill of beans because we forgot about grace and thought we were such a great coming to be up and coming mega church (I despise mega churches) and we really literally thought we were top dog locally and that our shit didn’t stink, it did believe me and not in a good way. When I first came into the church in 1975 I was a basket case and a refugee from the 70’s but the church at the time accepted all of us misfit sinners as we were, that saved my life along with God’s help. As we got older for whatever reason the church forgot about how screwed up we were when we were young and started down the wrong path of being respectable and forgot about grace looking down our noses on new people who were just as screwed up as we were and thinking we were morally and spiritually superior to them, we weren’t. So God took us down a few pegs and we started over proclaiming the true Gospel and grace and accepting people for who they are once again. It’s not easy and messy at times but the results are worth it in saving people who otherwise might not stand a chance with a regular religious do as I say, do as we do and don’t forget to tithe and not read certain books or listen to secular music or go to movies etc. etc. and above all pretend to be happy. These kinds of churches just make people miserable because of all the rules and hoops they have to dance thru and quit or go elsewhere or worse to quit believing in God altogether. It’s not about performance or looking good it’s all about God and always has been. And I’m much happier and a better man with God in charge because I know how big of mess I was when I first was saved back in the 70’s, and I want that for others as well.


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