Progressive journo is ‘done’, skewers leftist ‘obsession’ with ‘identitarian garbage’ – IOTW Report

Progressive journo is ‘done’, skewers leftist ‘obsession’ with ‘identitarian garbage’

BPR: There are encouraging signs that the “woke” fever may be breaking with the political left and a fiery rant by one progressive commentator who has denounced the divisive agenda may encourage others to do likewise.

On a recent episode of “The Young Turks” podcast, journalist Ana Kasparian veered off the beaten path during a discussion about feminism and women staying at home instead of participating in the workforce, unloading on the “garbage” identity politics of the modern Democratic Party.

“The biggest change that some of you might have noticed with me is that I’m done with the identitarian garbage,” Kasparian said. “I’m done with it.” more here

20 Comments on Progressive journo is ‘done’, skewers leftist ‘obsession’ with ‘identitarian garbage’

  1. Who wants to bet that the real reason for her “About Face” (which is Completely FAKE) is the Cenk tries to touch her Cooter?

    watch the T-tube Jimmy Dore episodes where he talks about her wearing Micro Mini Skirts

  2. Gosh… and how long did it take these libtards to get one once of reality? I think they just got left out of the evil running our country and they are just butt hurt. There is no change in them whatsoever.

  3. Libs having their “Come To Jesus” moments means absolutely nothing unless they change their voting habits…………..they won’t.

    A moderate Democrat is just as dangerous and an impediment to restoring the country as the most rabid spittle-flying blood vessel popping in the forehead smelly progressive.

  4. It’s a demonrat feint.
    She’s the tool chosen by the demonrats to confuse the credulous into believing that the socialist/nihilist edifice is disgusted with one of their perverse doctrines.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I think it’s a good thing. Perhaps others will be encouraged to start saying “enough of this bullshit.” When one stands up, others follow. The pendulum will swing back hard against the Identity contagion. There’s major rifts among the divergent progressive “communities” you often don’t hear about, as each new “identity” cancels out the former’s social achievement and status, placing them right back into the category of Bigots and Phobes with the rest of us. Fads fade.

    People are sick of being canceled for liking memes and failing to genuflect to mental illness. The realization is hitting with normal people that to go-along and get-along with Wokeism, one ultimately has to reject themselves and their own identity. You’re not a woman, you’re a “birthing person,” etc.

    There’s actually a growing trend among young, conservative leaders with a message toward “Trad” (traditional) values and marriage, marrying young and having children. Of course, they’re all labeled as “extremists.”

  6. I just looked her up on Instagram. She’s got 200K followers. She’s been married for 7 years to a guy that looks like he was born with out a spine. There’s more pictures of her and her dog than there are of her and hubby. Her dress get skimpier with every shot. She’s a heartbeat away from a “Fans Only Account”. I’m guessing she not at all satisfied with where her life has taken her and is really wishing she could stay home and raise babies. Maybe I’m a male chauvinist pig. I probably am, but I’m also probably right.

  7. Rich, I worked with a black guy just as conservative as I am yet he voted for biden* and hated Trump.
    I asked why since biden* is diametrically opposed to all he stood for.
    He couldn’t give me a legitimate reason.

    “Some men you just can’t reach… I don’t like it anymore than you”

  8. Loco

    He either lacked the courage of his convictions, wasn’t all that smart to begin with, or was a stealth BLM’er, more comfortable to bathe in his victimhood.

  9. Rich, I think it’s a lifetime of poisonous race-card indoctrination.
    In the back of his mind Trump was a racist.
    In his mind Trump was the bogeyman in a hood.
    No evidence to the contrary would convince him.

    Ironically I see the same thing on our side regarding DeSantis.
    Stellar record of accomplishments and yet some on the right call him deep state, RINO, and believe it or not, this one knocked my socks off, a Manchurian Candidate.

  10. What’s hilarious about “Identitarianism” is that after you’ve spent your adult life putting everyone into nice, neat little piles, that’s all you’ve got, nice, neat little piles. It’s like watching a kid play with their collection of change. It looses its fascination real quick. It’s boring and the people doing it are boring.


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