Project Veritas: Here’s Why Fox Corp. Allegedly Muzzled One of Their Reporters – IOTW Report

Project Veritas: Here’s Why Fox Corp. Allegedly Muzzled One of Their Reporters

Townhall- Matt Vespa.

Leah teed off on this earlier this morning. Local Fox 29 reporter Ivory Hecker is blowing the whistle on the reported bias at her own station. She recorded the exchanges as well. Unsurprisingly, Hecker has been suspended by her local new station for coming forward with these allegations. She told Project Veritas’ James O’Keefe that she’s tired of this circus act. Hecker accused Fox Corp. of putting corporate interests above those of the viewer. In one exchange with one of her news directors, she was told to deep-six a story about bitcoin and cryptocurrency because blacks don’t care about that stuff. 

Oh, Hecker made it known that she was going public with her allegations with Veritas on live television. Texas is suffering from a heatwave right now, but prior to that report she said:

“I want to let you, the viewers, know that Fox Corp. has been muzzling me to keep certain information from you, the viewers. And from what I’m gathering, I am not the only reporter being subjected to this. I am going to be releasing some recordings about what goes on behind the scenes at Fox because it applies to you, the viewers. I found a nonprofit journalism group called Project Veritas that’s gonna help put that out tomorrow, so tune into them. But as for this heat wave across Texas, you can see what it’s doing to AC units.”

Hydroxychloroquine was another story that her news directors ripped into her for concerning her interview with Dr. Joseph Varon, Chief of Critical Care at United Memorial Medical Center in Houston. Varon said he knows the drug had been politicized up the wazoo, but he said his patients were responding well to it. It was a precursor to the final bombshell that noted the drug was effective in the treatment of COVID. Trump was right. It was after this story that Hecker began to record her interactions with her bosses.  more here

18 Comments on Project Veritas: Here’s Why Fox Corp. Allegedly Muzzled One of Their Reporters

  1. I worked for ABC in DC for 12 years. I was not in editorial — I was a telephone man at first, and then branched out into IT, and broadcast engineering. I was like Chief Bromden… anywhere and everywhere at any given time, and I heard and saw shit that wouldn’t surprise anyone here at iOTW.

  2. “Journalism in America is dead”

    Yes, it certainly is.

    Unfortunately, most of America’s freedoms are dead while freedom to push commie propaganda in the press is very much alive and prospering.

    I see no reason to allow the press to continue unabated…PERIOD.

  3. You should see the shit that gets shovelled into our homes by the CBC up here in canuckistan.

    They have a lot of Y-tube presence as well but 50% on the time:
    “Comments are turned off”

    The times they are not Turned off give me HOPE that Canadians actually Have a Gag Reflex and only swallow to a point. The comments sections are the most popular and that is where we shit on the sellout reporters and stories.

  4. @ Kcir (embarrased to be from Toronto) JUNE 15, 2021 AT 10:44 PM

    I wouldn’t go to Calgary Stampede again if you paid me.

    No mark out rule in bareback or saddle bronc and no six second rule in tie down roping are just the start. It is little more than a Goddamned goat rodeo any more. A total shit show. The worst part is 80% of the blithering idiots in the stands don’t know any different. Dim witted hosers.

  5. @ AnonTrooper JUNE 15, 2021 AT 11:18 PM

    I’ve got an antenna on the roof. Gets 52 stations clear as cable. I used to watch Hee Haw on Friday evenings. I rarely watch it at all. When I have a little time to relax in front of the television I watch PBR Bull Riding or a DVD

  6. That’s like saying ABC News Radio isn’t ABC. Same badges, same pensions, same bullshit spewing. Yes, they worked under a different budget. And yes, every ABC show had a different budget. The bosses were James Goldston and John Greenberger. Goldston is out, but you better believe he was replaced by a worse animal.

  7. Jonathan Greenberger, Washington Bureau chief, vice president and executive producer of “This Week with George Stephanopoulos,” informed his D.C. Bureau of the reduction and forthcoming restructuring via an internal memo on Wednesday, which was obtained by TheWrap.

    “Starting today, we launch a new approach to the way we operate, unifying the Bureau into a single team serving every platform within ABC News,” he wrote. “As part of this transformation, we will unfortunately have to redefine some jobs and say goodbye to some of our colleagues, as we’ll need fewer people in some operations, engineering and general assignment editorial posts.”

    The Wrap

  8. @JHHasty

    I’ve never been myself, nor will I go. WATERED DOWN RODEO or as I call it “Texas Light”

    The biggest story I can remember they had a few years ago was of a Woman who who was getting it from both ends in a well lit alley from 2 “cowboy” look-a-likes.
    They tried to shame her but she was proud her rope skills. True story. I will try to source it.

  9. People need to understand that the news agencies’ purpose isn’t to provide the public news, it’s to steer and influence the public’s perceptions.
    You’re being fed what they want you to believe.


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