Project Veritas Video Exposes Racism and Toxicity at ESPN – IOTW Report

Project Veritas Video Exposes Racism and Toxicity at ESPN


Yesterday Project Veritas released a video exposing the workplace of ESPN as being toxic and openly laden with racism. Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe connected with an ESPN studio operator named Trevor Adams, who sought to blow the whistle on the “discrimination” and “racism “ he witnessed at ESPN as an employee. 

Adams says he not only witnessed such behavior but experienced it personally. Once through a headset, a director called Adams “just another white Trump supporter” and said that “if there were more women in this building things would get done a lot better and quicker.”

Other ESPN employees were recorded detailing experiences similar to that of Adams. 

Alyssa Lang, an on-air talent for ESPN, who by appearance is a white female, characterized conversations held around her and comments made directly to her as “Just blatantly racist sh*t.” In one instance, colleagues of Lang were verbally disgruntled about the fact that Lang and her two co-hosts were each white, the suggestion being that if a show is hosted exclusively by white people, it is somehow unfit to exist.  more

4 Comments on Project Veritas Video Exposes Racism and Toxicity at ESPN

  1. The weird thing is that the reporting on this for the first few days was such that you had to get past the mealy-mouthed, ambiguous blurbs to discover that the racists were black and the sexists were women.

  2. Many moons ago, I worked in the production department of our local newspaper.
    I fully expected the news people to be lefties. I was able to ferret out the few non-lefties, in fact I married one of them!
    What surprised me was how rabidly left the sports department people were. Man, they were worse than the newsroom people. But then again, they were all jock-wannabees who couldn’t do the sports, so they armchair quarterbacked instead!


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