Prominent Anti-Semite Attends Obama Birthday Bash, Jewish Comedian Snubbed – IOTW Report

Prominent Anti-Semite Attends Obama Birthday Bash, Jewish Comedian Snubbed

WFB: Al Sharpton, the prominent anti-Semite and verbally challenged MSNBC host, was among the “sophisticated crowd” of guests who attended former president Barack Obama’s 60th birthday bash on Martha’s Vineyard over the weekend. Jewish comedian Larry David was not.

David was not the only prominent Jew disinvited from the party, which was reportedly “scaled back” due to concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic but appears to have been a massive gathering nonetheless. Former Obama adviser David Axelrod, who is Jewish, was also cut from the invite list, according to the New York Times.

Sharpton, who was photographed arriving by private jet, was a central figure in the Crown Heights riot of 1991. His anti-Semitic rhetoric and inciteful actions fueled what would become the worst outburst of anti-Semitic violence in modern American history. Yet “Reverend Al” remains a ubiquitous figure within the elite subset of liberal activists, Democratic politicians, professional journalists, and other celebs. read more

20 Comments on Prominent Anti-Semite Attends Obama Birthday Bash, Jewish Comedian Snubbed

  1. According to the NYTimes, the Elites at the Obamboozler’s shin-dig were mask-free because they are “sophisticated”.

    Meanwhile they’re bringing in diseased, illegal aliens as fast as they can and shipping them around the country to infect red states… but not to the Barry’s party! Oh no, no, no. Why they’re too “sophisticated” for that!!
    But Bike Week is vilified as a Super-Spreader Event because… they’re not sophisticated?
    Got it now?

  2. Guests didn’t need masks because the Martini’s were made with Hydroxychloroquine and they were snorting lines of Ivermectin off of Lorretta Lynch’s Fat Ass.

  3. And the propaganda reporters who attended the hypocritical bash never even noticed. They were so happy to be invited that didn’t dare look beneath phony veneer of Obumphuk’s closest bought and paid for friends, for fear of falling out of favor and losing status with their “in-group”.

  4. @Kcir – Gain of Function Biological CCP Weapon

    “…Martini’s were made with Hydroxychloroquine…”

    My Gawwwwwd, you just described a gin and tonic. How bourgeois. We drink Martinis (hold the Vermouth and make it two olives) here on the Vineyard.

  5. Al Sharpton doesn’t pay his taxes because he’s so sophisticatedly corrupt and all those establishment assholes in D.C. let him get away with it.

    Someone with superior tactical skills start a coup…PLEASE.


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