Prominent Christian Legal Group Barred From Amazon Program While Openly Anti-Semitic Groups Remain – IOTW Report

Prominent Christian Legal Group Barred From Amazon Program While Openly Anti-Semitic Groups Remain

DC: Amazon has barred prominent Christian legal group Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) from participating in its Amazon Smile charitable program, which allows nonprofits to recoup a small fraction of the money their supporters spend through Amazon.

ADF, which specializes in First Amendment law and has won cases at the Supreme Court, is barred from Amazon Smile on account of the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center, which labeled ADF a “hate group.” 

“All nonprofits are eligible as long as they meet our participation agreement,” an Amazon spokesperson told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “As a part of that participation agreement, we also state that Amazon relies on the U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control and the Southern Poverty Law Center to determine which charities are eligible.”

The participation agreement forbids member groups from, among other things, promoting “hate” or “intolerance.”

ADF CEO Michael Farris sent a letter to Amazon on May 3, saying he was “surprised and disappointed” to find out his group was no longer able to participate in the Amazon program. Farris criticized Amazon for so greatly empowering the SPLC, which he described as a “discredited partisan organization.”  more

5 Comments on Prominent Christian Legal Group Barred From Amazon Program While Openly Anti-Semitic Groups Remain

  1. I am shocked that the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund is still allowed on Amazon Smile. Probably wont be for much longer though, the way things are going..

  2. News flash.. the southern poverty law center is also responsible for banning conservatives on youtube as well as facebook. they are a bunch of shit disturbers. It’s unfortunate that Amazon got caught up in this bullshit. too bad there isn’t a way to do severe monetary damage to those SPLC bastards.


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