Proof of fraud may lie in vanishing Trump votes – IOTW Report

Proof of fraud may lie in vanishing Trump votes

American Thinker:

After watching footage from the Georgia hearings, Scott Adams, who always approaches information with a healthy degree of cynicism and with his BS meter set on high, actually got quite excited. According to him, if you ignore all the noise about internet connections, pallets of ballots, and counting shutdowns in the disputed states, there is one pivotally important piece of information: Votes were subtracted from Trump. If that happens, it inevitably means someone was playing with the vote counts.

On Wednesday, I wrote about some of the more interesting information that emerged from the Georgia hearing. This included eyewitness testimony about ballots being shredded and testimony explaining the shocking import of a Georgia official stating that 106,000 ballots, out of 113,130 ballots scanned, were manually adjudicated. That meant that 106,000 ballots were destroyed and replaced with whatever the adjudicators wanted.

The same witnesses who introduced this evidence about the adjudicated ballots were also responsible for evidence showing that the computers, instead of just adding votes as they came in for each candidate, were stripping votes from Trump. Sometimes the votes went to Biden; sometimes the votes just vanished. I’ve cued up the video to start with the testimony from the Data Integrity Group, but if that doesn’t work, go to 4:38:25: MORE

9 Comments on Proof of fraud may lie in vanishing Trump votes

  1. The proof may lie in? I thought we had proof! Every day since the election I’ve been hearing about proof. We either have proof by now or we’re doomed.
    Oh and good morning everyone!

  2. The media even documented some of the subtractions on election night, right there on everybody’s TV screen! Of course, they’ll just say it was glitches and don’t believe your lying eyes. Or that it was doctored video.

  3. The voting machines themselves were software updated 2 to 3 days before the election.
    There was no certification or re-certification of the machines afterward, nor public disclosure of what the updates accomplished or changed.
    By this alone, the results are unacceptable.
    Legally, they are not allowed to be acceptable.
    They are driving a garbage truck with an expired registration. And it is leaking.


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