Proposals For Separation Within The US Pick Up Major Steam – IOTW Report

Proposals For Separation Within The US Pick Up Major Steam

Trending Politics-

Fairly recently, an opinion article by USA Today noted that the US is experiencing a bad case of “secession fever.” However, this seems to be primarily manifesting itself in rural areas of the nation. This is unsurprising due to the sharp contrast between “conservative USA” vs. “liberal USA” in rural areas vs. cities.

Rural residents of many states in current day United States want to secede, and this is because they feel that the states they live in are dominated by the more liberal and more populated metropolitan areas.

One example is Buckhead, one of Atlanta’s richest neighborhoods. The terrified residents of this wealthy Atlanta neighborhood are seriously considering breaking away from Atlanta and forming their own autonomous city. This sentiment has in part been caused by a crime wave with murders up to 80 percent so far this year. The neighborhood is upwards of 80 thousand people, and the crime wave is just another reason they are deliberating on breaking away given that they have been considering the separation for years.

The residents say they are “genuinely concerned for their safety,” and the crime wave has made them more determined to break away from the failing Atlanta area and form their own city with its own police force. The community of Buckhead even formed an Exploratory Committee to determine their options, and the Committee told The Wall Street Journal that they no longer feel their lives are protected. MORE

20 Comments on Proposals For Separation Within The US Pick Up Major Steam

  1. I said it before, if the congress can’t pass a bipartisan law then let the party’s voters be taxed for what they want and not force the opposite party’s voters to be bled by something they don’t want.
    We’ll get to see how generous they are when they have to bare the costs by themselves.

  2. Self-determination was one of Wilson’s 14 Points.
    Can’t see how the Demonrats could oppose it (without a monstrous dose of hypocrisy bubbling to the fore).

    I’d like to see Missouri secede from St. Louis and Kansas City – two massive shit-holes that aren’t worth the time, the trouble, or the money wasted on them.
    Net sinks. Sort of fiscal Black Holes. And no matter how much they absorb, there’s never an improvement. Like their celestial cousins, not even light escapes them.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I’ve read there’s similar efforts going on is the more affluent area of SoCal. Separate armed encampments. I like it. You can thank the Libtards directly for this. Now come get our guns.

  4. It would be great if Michigan could secede from the shithole(s) that committed election fraud that kept our rightful President from us. Would be an extra treat if the few “liberals” in our midst would move to the shithole and live with like-minded “liberals.”

  5. Conservatives are nothing more than slaves for the liberals and democrats (most government workers, public pensioners, illegal aliens, and people on the dole). And now with the new “stimulus” bill we are bailing out the blue states and cities. So what are we waiting for?

  6. Never going to happen. NEVER. Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.

    Remember what happened when the southern states tried it? 700,000+ men killed when the North invaded the South to preserve the cash cow and huge market for the North’s manufacturing.

    Add to that the FACT that communists NEVER would leave us alone. NEVER.

    We’re in a death match with them. The only way this gets resolved is one side walking over the corpses of the other. Like it or lump it, that’s the facts.

    There’s no voting our way out, no reasoning with them, no reconciliation. They’ve co-opted all of our institutions, our Congress and SC, the media and academia. You think they would let enclaves of sanity exist? Wake the fuck up.

    They just arrested some poor vet because he was in the vicinity of the DC protests with a small, heavily armed SWAT team. Full auto and armored vehicles. You think they were trying to send a message?

  7. “The only way this gets resolved is one side walking over the corpses of the other.” -MMinAR

    We had to kill to obtain freedom. And we’re going have to kill again to get it back.

    The only other option is to die without it.

  8. Can you blame rural America they provide all food and energy to cities while cities try to tell rural America how to supply their way of life. I’ve said it before cut off the food and power to the cities and let the green energy geniuses figure out how to stay alive.

  9. I can absolutely see it happening and working at the community level. In fact I believe there’s a community in Northern Idaho, I think it’s called the Citadel, that you need to apply to purchase a house. They mandated conservative gun owners only. And they are their own protection force.

  10. Maine has two congressional districts.
    The First is in the extreme southern 20% of the state and is filled to the brim with liberal democrat communists.
    These assholes are the reason that the NPS has put a land grabbing National Monument in the middle of our industrial forest.
    They just took control of another 4000 acres of very well managed timberland, taking it out of production forever.
    The Second makes up the rest of the state, and is comprised, as to my guess, of 40% liberal, and 60% Conservative.
    Trump won the Second in 16.
    We should draw a circular line with a radius of 125 miles and the center in Kittery.
    Let anything inside the circle become part of New Hampshire and Massachusetts. Call it Massahampshire.
    Anything outside the circle is Maine.
    The REAL Maine.
    We could extend the circle through New Hapmshire to the Vermont/ Mass border and invite them to join us.
    All except Burlington Vt.
    Kcuf Burlington.

  11. No, why should the great majority acquiesce? That would be like chopping off your arm due to a nasty rash. THEY are the ones with issues with the Constitution and the US as a whole.

  12. “Crush your enemies,
    Drive them before you,
    Hear the lamentations of their women.”

    The alternative to secession.

    “Kill the Traitors,
    Drive the apathetic into hiding,
    Hear the lamentations of the soy boys.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  13. Back in the day, my senior year in high school, Government was a required class in order to graduate. My teacher was a real cool dude. He did a series of classes of conservatives vs. liberals. The Conservatives lived in their own area & the libs had their own, as well. Long story short, he said that within a decade the liberals would be demanding help & hand outs in order to survive. You see this kind of thing everywhere now.

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