Proposed Florida Bill Would Allow Certain Criminals to Serve Time in the Military Instead of Jail – IOTW Report

Proposed Florida Bill Would Allow Certain Criminals to Serve Time in the Military Instead of Jail

Tatum Report: Florida could soon give people convicted of certain crimes the option of serving time in the military instead of behind bars. The Blaze reports that Democrat Senator Darryl Rouson introduced Senate Bill 1356 on December 21, allowing qualifying offenders to join the military in lieu of jail time. Under the plan, the criminal would have to be no older than 25-years-old, with a sentence of no more than four years. Additionally, the person cannot be charged with multiple felonies or be a violent career criminal.

The convicted individual would also have to fulfill any financial responsibilities incurred due to sentencing and pass the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery test. If a convicted person does not meet the imposed requirements, they will have to return to court for resentencing. If the bill is passed and made law, it would bring back the practice of judges ordering offenders to serve in the military, which was standard practice until the Vietnam War. more here

21 Comments on Proposed Florida Bill Would Allow Certain Criminals to Serve Time in the Military Instead of Jail

  1. if we’re just going to send convicts into foreign countries to die, I don’t understand why we don’t simply kill them now and save taxpayers all that time and money?

  2. Great, teach them how to shoot straight.

    Hard labour so they don’t have the strength to harm people after 2o years of “breakin rock” in the hot sun.

    Or maybe the could unload some fucking boats in the harbour. You know. The Fuckin boats that Biden can’t seem to get unloaded.

  3. Has been SOP in English speaking countries since the Dark Ages. Read Sharp, historical fiction, but historically accurate. Or if your prefer Navy read Pat O’Brain.
    Dick The Lionhearted had his judges offer felons a choice: Crusades or jail!

    MOH holder ‘Al York was offered the same choice 104 years ago! Did a good job of killing huns!

    Many (maybe most) “good men” are afraid to die! Bad guys figure “What have I got to lose?!”!
    I never wanted to die; but I upheld the honor of the 5th Marines!; with a heart beating at 250% normal! Scared was I? Hell yes! But “Death before dishonor!” is my clan motto!

    Look up Sgt Kilna’s song! “Whaure afore monie mair huv gaum…. he was scared but he fought the Hund to his death!

    Mell used this dirge as the theme song of one of his movies; about a Scotch American Army officer. Moore>

  4. Welcome back to the Carter years. Then, we had to push all these criminals out in the early 80s. Anyone remember Operation Bottom Blow?

    Oh what fun the military is under Democratic “leadership”.

  5. @an ol exJarhead

    The Richard Sharpe novels are superb, I re read all 23 books last year during the pandemic, kept my sane.

    But I’m curious about your Alvin York comment. Are you saying that he was a criminal that chose the military over jail? His wikipedia page said he was drafter, no mention of any problems with the law, would be grateful if you have anything further on this.

    There are other ways of making incarcerations pay for themselves. I always like the “Cool Hand Luke” chain gang concept. Put them to work generating revenue, hell, go back to making license plates. But keep them out of the military, where respecting/adhering to the chain of command, discipline and squad cohesion is essential.

  6. I think somebody needs to strangle the good idea fairy in it’s sleep, we do not need to provide training to the criminal element. I’m not sure why this would be good idea, and giving convicted criminal access to military equipment, and training somehow seems counterintuitive.

  7. @Anonymous January 2, 2022 at 8:29 pm

    > if we’re just going to send convicts into foreign countries to die, I don’t understand why we don’t simply kill them now and save taxpayers all that time and money?

    Asked and answered.

  8. rich taylor

    Yorj was ,”Many (maybe most) “good men” are afraid to die!”. Claimed to be CO! At that time CO did not cut it. Army took him to a civilian judg. Judge said rmy or jail, your choice. d

    No, York was not a criminl. But he , as mot of us do, feared death!

    Had he claimed CO today he’d be “Scot free”!

    Dick,Pat and most of the men were criminals as civies. But they were (for the most part, as is common in most militaries,- Marines not so much; we all are/were well disciplined!- disciplined) and followed orders.

    If my memory is correct (at my age it may be not) somme or my men were criminals given the same option CO York was by a civilian judge. They were GOOD MEN!

  9. Beachmom January 2, 2022 at 8:09 pm

    If your a minority and have a record you’re already all set.

    Nieces husband swam the Rio Grande and made it to his illegal sister’s house in N. CA. He’s been here for over 20+ years. He served in the military here and that’s how he was given citizenship. I don’t know how a gang banger will take to being told what to do. I think this is a bad idea….but we need street fighter types to make up for the guy in a skirt in the same fox hole. How’s that going to play out when the tranny comes on to one of those gang bangers? I’m kind of chuckling right now thinking about how it will play out.

  10. I was telling DH yesterday, that the majority of homeless that I see on the street are young men under the age of 30. High schoolers would join the military and get some kind of training that would send them on through life. Then the same guys would go to school on the GI bill and further their chance in life. These homeless guys had the same opportunity. I think instead of giving the criminal a shot at it, start signing up homeless guys. Either join up or go to prison for being a vagrant and a drain on society. At least it would give them some purpose to breathe.

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