Prosecutors: Surveillance Footage Outside Jeffrey Epstein’s Cell Is Missing – IOTW Report

Prosecutors: Surveillance Footage Outside Jeffrey Epstein’s Cell Is Missing


Surveillance video near deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s New York City prison cell during his first suicide attempt is missing, prosecutors said Wednesday, according to the New York Daily News.

Speaking before a White Plains District Court, Assistant U.S. Attorney Jason Swergold said he and others have not been able to track down the security footage outside of Epstein’s cell, which he shared with accused murderer Nick Tartaglione.

The Daily News reports:

A spokesman for the Manhattan U.S. Attorney’s Office and Bruce Barket, an attorney for Tartaglione, confirmed the stunning revelation that the footage was not preserved. Tartaglione’s attorneys filed a request for the footage to be retained two days after Epstein’s unsuccessful suicide attempt on July 23, Barket said.

Judge Kenneth Karas requested U.S. officials probe the matter.

“It is on the surface troubling,” said Barket. “I’ll reserve judgement until I’ve found out more details.”

Epstein committed suicide by hanging in a second cell on August 10 while awaiting trial for child sex trafficking charges. In November, two Bureau of Prisons guards were charged with conspiracy and filing false records over their actions the evening Epstein died. read more

15 Comments on Prosecutors: Surveillance Footage Outside Jeffrey Epstein’s Cell Is Missing

  1. Footage of the security?? Sounds like they use tape or something! The camera is probably wired to a DVD recorder or such……….Too late. Everyone is corrupt and/or incompetent!!

  2. @joe6pak December 18, 2019 at 11:16 pm

    > Of course it’s missing! What did you expect?

    I expected full 8K of Empress Cankaline. Standing outside the cell. In a house smock. And terry cloth flip flops. Ball up her arthritic fist. (as the symphony swells) Little flashes of lightning escaping between the knuckles. While Epstein turns blue (frothing at the mouth). And Xhe hisses, “You have no idea of the power of the dark cash!”

    (But, it’s Disney… so we’ll just have to pay for “Uh oh, we oops, again.”)


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