Prostitution reportedly ‘rampant’ on New York City streets – IOTW Report

Prostitution reportedly ‘rampant’ on New York City streets

Just The News: Prostitution services are reportedly being offered openly in New York City, with parts of Brooklyn seeing increased brazen sex work activity as cops do little to stop it.

The New York Post this week described witnessing a “cycle” of prostitutes in Brooklyn “hopping into strangers’ cars, riding out of view for 10, sometimes 30 minutes, then getting dropped back off to do it all again.” more

17 Comments on Prostitution reportedly ‘rampant’ on New York City streets

  1. “prostitutes in Brooklyn “hopping into strangers’ cars, riding out of view for 10, sometimes 30 minutes, then getting dropped back off to do it all again.”

    The horror!

  2. …I’d worry more about the rampant prostitution that elevated the prostitute in question to the Office of the Vice President of the United States, were I you…

  3. I work in the Bronx and I saw this woman dressed with short, short short, shorts walking down street and then this car pulls up and next thing she gets in. I thought “that can’t be what I think it is, can it??” Well, forgive me for being so naïve. But then again, nothing surprises me after learning what a mess the country has been in for more years than I have been alive.

    Say your prayers everyday!!

    God Bless us all!

  4. Prostitution running rampant on the city streets! And that’s only the politicians! Wait until the cartels and BLM start running their girls then it will be a real circus!

  5. ahhh yes these pics are taken from in front of a set of buildings where I work, east ny close to brownsville basically the unflushed toilet of NYC these street creatures are out there in broad daylight as well Georgia and Belmont is the intersection pimps chillin, walkin up n down the block while girls do their thing out of old box trucks

  6. “A fish rots from the head.”

    From Albany right down to the smallest village: infested by Murder, Inc. and their associates. Cuomo’s a crook (and a murderer). DeBlasio’s a crook. The NY Assembly is a gang of crooks. The DA’s Office is a gang of crooks.
    The Descent into the Maelstrom.
    There’s a point in a fall from which there’s no chance of recovery. I don’t know what that is for NY, but it looks like it’s past that.
    Any humans should get the fuck out – NOW.

    izlamo delenda est …

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