Protect Taiwan the Eisenhower way – IOTW Report

Protect Taiwan the Eisenhower way

h/t NAAC

American Thinker:

By James Arlandson

With Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, it is now clear that Xi believes that Taiwan, formerly known as Formosa, is ripe for the plucking.  They have factored in President* Biden’s obvious weakness and mental decline.  It is a sure thing, as it has now been frequently observed by pundits and Trump himself, that if he were in office, Russian would not have invaded Ukraine.  But he is not in office. 

We can learn a lesson from another appropriately strong man, however. 

Eisenhower, being just elected fresh after his victorious leadership of the Allies in the European theater of WWII, was strong.  He understood the mentality of dictators when he stated “in response to a question at a press conference on Aug. 17 that ‘any invasion of Formosa would have to run over the Seventh Fleet.'” more

25 Comments on Protect Taiwan the Eisenhower way

  1. Forgot comparisons – Biden is in Xi’s pocket. And Russia’s pocket. And Soros’s pocket. This prick is in EVERYBODY’S pocket, on the scale of Hillary Clinton.

    We have to start demanding he resign.

  2. I believe the woke military has quite a bit to do with it too. Progressive liberals are cry babies, and babies aren’t fighting machines of a fearless military. They cry, pout and if enough of them get elected, change the laws to accommodate all sorts of babies and their babyish fetishes and previsions.
    Other countries are watching and will play their hand at whatever they want if they think others too weak to stop them.

  3. For those <77 thinking it is new that teachers "teach" Commie propaganda. 64 + 63 years ago my lil sis and I had teachers "teaching" that America was a "white nationalist" nation. proof was Ike's OPERATION WETBACK!
    The big teachers's union -NEA – has been , at best, a Commie front for at least 80 years.

    We told our classmates that Ike was not a "White Supremacist"; but a good, Americans come first, President. And both were punished for defending America!

  4. Taiwan is well-prepared. Of course it would be reeeeaaallly helpful if USA and others stepped up, but Taiwan has lots of equipment. Plus, while China could perhaps bomb the hell out of Taiwan it doesn’t want to, and no way can their soldiers take the land. Too much Red Dawn potential.

  5. IMO the Ukraine-Taiwan situations are related and are stage-managed. The leaders of each country have no leverage to affect the results.

    It would be great if the people of Ukraine and Taiwan successfully resist the invaders and kick them out, but despite media cheerleading from the sidelines, I don’t think that’s going to happen, unfortunately.

    Perhaps the reality is that it is a plan to pull China and Russia into the global re-set, and those countries have prepared their conditions for joining: Ukraine and Taiwan. If we send help to resist either superpower, it will be just for show.

    As far as Taiwan goes, some cross-water invasions have been successful. Like Normandy in 1944. Prepare enough in advance, and make sure nobody will show up to intervene and it can work.

    I am trying to understand all this as it’s developing, and it is all my opinion as of today. I may be wrong and I hope I am. The next few weeks will be very interesting and will have serious implications for everyone.

  6. 3 Gorges Dam is already wobbling. 1 missile and that baby heads downstream.

    Maybe China doesn’t give a shit if 30 million people die but I don’t think so. The devastation would be enormous.

  7. “Brad: they don’t care. They killed 100 million of their own people during Mao’s reign. So what’s a few million killed if they can advance their chip tech 10 years by taking over Taiwan??”

    Taiwan Semiconductor is in the process of moving it’s entire facility off Taiwan soil. To Phoenix Az. And Intel is building an equal sized facility down the block. There’s a very real possibility that technology has already left.

  8. @Tony R, I could take the credit but I would be the wrong person, aka Anonymous. Some here think Anonymous is one person, that would be a wrong assumption, quite a few post are using the monikor, Anonymous.
    But that aside, it sure looks like this site has been spammed, months ago nothing like this was here. Then on top on this spamming, some wiseguys think it’s funny to use likewise wording to do lewd postings.

  9. And speaking of Intel they just committed to a 20 billion dollar campus in Ohio. From my experience once Intel starts building they don’t stop. The facility in Hillsboro, Oregon has been is a state of construction and re-design for 25 years. There are guys I’ve worked with that have been doing construction of one form or another for for nearly their adult career.

  10. joe6pak

    I remember visiting Semi Conductor Capital Equipment builders back in the day. Damn profitable business, when it’s hot. Those Capital Equipment guys all had a poster Intel had created hanging all over F and back. It was some slope, Opps, Chinese guy riding a girls bike with a a basket on the bars. Inside the basket was a generic lap top with a “Intel Inside” sticker on it. These fools targeted China as their emerging market. I guess the forgot about COMMUNISM. Stupid fucks. Well the Capital equipment guys, Applied Materials, LAM Research marched lock step with them into damnation. And in short, that’s why the Silicon Valley went Libtard. They swung a ton of money.

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