Protecting America from MERS and other Biological Threats – IOTW Report

Protecting America from MERS and other Biological Threats

The Conversation

Posted with permission of the authors William J Parker III, PhD and Maryellen Meymarian, JD

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued statements of concern and posted warnings at 22 different airports urging travelers to be mindful about washing hands and being in contact with sick people, especially while traveling overseas following separate Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) cases being confirmed in the United States in the past few weeks. It is critical that the CDC and the World Health Organization (WHO) continue to learn more about the MERS virus, particularly its origination point and transmission mechanisms.  But in the absence of stronger regulations governing who can enter the United States, the U.S. government will continue to merely be playing catch-up.

Protecting America from communicable diseases requires proactive federal action for both potential immigrants and citizens traveling abroad. The U.S. must promote minimum health and vaccination requirements for individuals who travel to and from the country.  Currently only a small number of individuals are required to provide proof of medical examinations and vaccinations prior to entry into the United States. Immigration regulations should mandate that all frequent and long term non-immigrants provide proof of medical examinations and vaccinations prior to visa issuance.  The classes of individuals specifically targeted should include individuals who receive Border Crossing cards, work visas, student visas, and 10 year multi-entry tourist or business visas.  These individuals are frequent travelers or durational residences and as such should demonstrate that they are admissible pursuant to the health requirements currently set forth in the law.  Additionally, and in addition to the medical exams that they are already required to have prior to entry, all new refugees and K visa applicants should be required to complete the vaccine process prior to entering the U.S..    The individuals targeted for these new rules are noncitizens who will be living in the U.S. for numerous years or frequently traveling to the U.S. Visa requirements for these individuals already involve a significant time and financial investment to obtain.


image: Modvive.

4 Comments on Protecting America from MERS and other Biological Threats

  1. Obama’s destruction of America started early in his term. From Wikipedia (I think this was Jon Fraud Kerry’s bill): “On October 30, 2009 President Barack Obama reauthorized the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Bill which expanded care and treatment through federal funding to nearly half a million. He also announced that the Department of Health and Human Services crafted regulation that would end the HIV Travel and Immigration Ban effective in January 2010; on January 4, 2010, the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention removed HIV status as a factor to be considered in the granting of travel visas.”

  2. I’m worried about the people returning from the pilgrimage to Mecca where hundreds of thousands are in such close proximity for days at a time. The fatality rate appears to be approaching 40% from the last article I read and the incubation time is way too long for comfort.

    I fear it will literally be the perfect start for a worldwide pandemic. This needs to be taken seriously.

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