Protesters Waited Outside Airport to Send Biden Brutal Message – IOTW Report

Protesters Waited Outside Airport to Send Biden Brutal Message


President Joe Biden was greeted by angry protesters Monday when he finally visited Maui to tour the catastrophic damage caused by the devastating Hawaiian wildfires that killed at least 114 people, with 1,000 people missing.

Several dozen residents heckled the octogenarian’s motorcade when he departed the Kapalua Airport en route to Lahaina, which went up in flames on Aug. 8. more

19 Comments on Protesters Waited Outside Airport to Send Biden Brutal Message

  1. He’ll just throw money at them until they shut up and the media stops paying attention. Then he’ll lock them down and slap masks on their faces in a couple of months when covid is rAvAgiNg tHe wOrLd again. And they’ll all vote for him in 2024 on mail-in ballots which never made it out of the post office to the charred remains of their homes.

  2. General Malaise AT 8:40 AM
    “Find a charred broom handle and stick it up his anus.”

    …use a Paul Pelosi Nighthammer® to make sure it’s firmly seated, Vlad The Impaler style.

  3. everyplace this evil pedofile goes he gets flipped off with chants of fuck joe biden
    if he actually had 81M votes he’d have a loyal following like PDT
    there are no pro biteme hats, tshirts, flags, signs, or bumperstickers anywhere
    81M ballots is not the same as 81M votes

  4. Thirdtwin at 8:36 am

    He’ll just throw money at them until they shut up and the media stops paying attention.

    They will never shut up! There’s not enough money, besides, it’s not the governments position to make people whole again. I bet you ask every one of those Hawaiians who lost everything what they expect in return. Insured, no problem. No insurance, it’s no ones problem. There’s nothing left – even for those whose homes are still standing. They depend on tourists to make their life comfortable. Come visit the town of Paradise, you’ll see what your island is going to look like.

  5. Bring back the stockades and tar and feather joey buck naked with boiling oil and run joey out of Dodge on a rail, chasing him and all his homies by throwing rotten vegetables and all kinds of excrement and buckets of piss at them and singing The Hallelujah chorus to high Heaven. It’s time to totally humiliate the jerk and say that the emperor has no clothes.

  6. The sewer sludge known as Joe Biden has never cared for anyone except himself—and that includes his ded first wife and their infant daughter who were kylled in a “car accident”.

  7. Biden won Hawaii with 63.7% of the vote and a 29.5% margin over Trump, who earned 34.3%.

    Those who don’t study history….

    Given that I think it is at least as likely as not that Lahaina was deliberately burned to the foundation in order to advance the objectives of The Party as not, my sympathies are limited to the ones who didn’t vote for what they got.

    Was the fire deliberate? I would say 50/50 on that. Was the response predictable? Absolutely and unequivocally yes.

    However, if British relief is viewed in the context of Britain’s concern with the “Irish Question,” it becomes clear that relief efforts were not designed to relieve Irish suffering as much as to permanently reform the Irish economy. As a result, Irish Famine mortality gradually became the avenue through which the British pursued and attained this objective. By 1849, the forcible displacement of poor Irish cottiers, under the guise of relief legislation, became the major channel through which the Irish economy was remade. Thus, the British Government deliberately facilitated Irish deaths during the Great Famine, and therefore committed genocide against the Irish people.

  8. Joe: you guys need to look at the upside. I sat for hours on Rehobah Beach in Delaware and I didn’t get a tan anywhere as good as what you folks got. There’s always a, a, whatchacallit, a cloud in a silver lining.

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