France: Protesting Locals Build Wall Around Planned Migrant Accommodation – IOTW Report

France: Protesting Locals Build Wall Around Planned Migrant Accommodation


Locals in a town in south-west France have built a wall around the entrance to a disused hotel to stop it from being turned into a migrant centre.

According to the group who organised the action, a few dozen residents worked under the cover of darkness to construct the 18 metre long, 1.8 metre high wall to bar access to the former Formule 1 hotel in Séméac.

Protesters said that local authorities had failed to consult residents of the plan to house up to 85 migrants in the disused building, and slammed its location “in a residential area”.

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12 Comments on France: Protesting Locals Build Wall Around Planned Migrant Accommodation

  1. I like languages, but I don’t know much French, other than Oui, Non, and to ask if they can speak English.

    So I went to online translation sites for WALL.
    RESULT: Le Trump.
    Mon Dieu!!!

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