Protesting Parents Are Now Domestic Terrorists – IOTW Report

Protesting Parents Are Now Domestic Terrorists

Matt Christiansen

4 Comments on Protesting Parents Are Now Domestic Terrorists

  1. Every Federal Agency has been weaponized, filling the Media air waves with false government narratives and most social networks are eliminating opposing views and blocking comments and people from posting.
    Welcome to 1984.

  2. I follow an LE Instagram Account. The guys that comment there are all from SoCal. All conservative and getting more conservative everyday. They were discussing the FBI getting involved in local school board issues and a couple of them pointed out 95% of them had kids in school. As most departments do. If the FBI comes blowing in like storm troopers it’s only a matter of time before some departments SWAT team shows up a shuts them down or shoots them up.
    Interesting perspective.

  3. The only ones “terrorized” by protesting parents are teachers, school administrators and district people. Oh, and fat Karen mom’s with mental illness and kids you have to feel sorry for.


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