Protestor attempts to destroy statue outside BBC headquarters made by sculptor who sexually abused his daughters – IOTW Report

Protestor attempts to destroy statue outside BBC headquarters made by sculptor who sexually abused his daughters

The sculptor abused his OWN daughters, not the protestor’s. And people are still mad about it.
I think.

The sculpture depicting Prospero and Ariel from Shakespeare’s play The Tempest was created by Eric Gill, and installed on the building in 1933. Gill is said to have sexually abused two of his daughters.

10 Comments on Protestor attempts to destroy statue outside BBC headquarters made by sculptor who sexually abused his daughters

  1. @ ChickenCheeks JANUARY 13, 2022 AT 11:25 AM

    That is a function of having succumbed to the message that envy is not a grave sin, but in fact a virtue among “progressives.”

  2. I can’t imagine why anyone would get pleasure out of sexually molesting his own children, or any children for that matter. It perplexes me.

    The people who do that have had their minds overtaken by Satan.

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