Protestors demand removal of trans-identified males from New Jersey women’s prison – IOTW Report

Protestors demand removal of trans-identified males from New Jersey women’s prison

PM: Groups protested at the New Jersey state Capitol on Friday against biological men who identify as transgender females being housed in the state’s only all female prison, as reported by The NY Post.

The prison, Edna Mahan Correctional Facility, houses 356 inmates, 24 of which are biological men who identify as transgender. The prison has been under scrutiny from many seeking to protect women after it was reported that two women being housed in the facility were impregnated by a transgender inmate last year.

Many protesters used the hashtag #GetMenOut as a message to the NJ legislators and the Department of Corrections that the state must do more to protect biological women.  more

9 Comments on Protestors demand removal of trans-identified males from New Jersey women’s prison

  1. I thought anyone who just thought they were a female could just say they were and presto magic they were. Politicians say it is so, so it must be???

  2. Just make the announcement that henceforth, any man who identifies as a female, and wants to be transferred to the woman’s prison, will first be given free sexual reassignment surgery. Applications will drop to zero overnight.

  3. Can we stop mutilating the language like the left has done to gender?
    Cutting you dick of doesn’t transition anything all it does is make you a man without a dick. (cue Bill Murray in gohstbusters”yes it’s true the man has no dick”)
    lets start calling “trans” people what they are mentally ill or in more polite conversation Faux gendered.


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