Protests across the nation gain steam as Americans wonder when stay-at-home orders will lift – IOTW Report

Protests across the nation gain steam as Americans wonder when stay-at-home orders will lift

Just The News: Protests in several states last week amplify the growing feeling of frustration among some Americans who wonder when the economy will again be open for business.

Rallies against shelter-in-place orders in states across the county grew over with weekend, with protestors now going to state capitals with Republican governors, including Ohio and Maryland.

On Sunday, protestors in vehicles, in so-called “Operation Gridlock” protests, in Denver, Colorado, were met by health care workers in scrubs reportedly trying to block their way.

Americans are eager to return to work after weeks at home to try to slow the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.

Last week, protestors in Michigan drove to Lansing and crowded the streets of the capital primarily from their cars, causing major traffic jams for miles. 

Not everyone maintained social distancing guidelines, though. Some protestors got out of their cars to demonstrate with signs, guns, and and flags on the steps of the state capital. read more

14 Comments on Protests across the nation gain steam as Americans wonder when stay-at-home orders will lift

  1. Time for Twisted Sister to have a return to glory
    Oh, we’re not gonna take it
    No, we ain’t gonna take it
    Oh, we’re not gonna take it anymore
    We’ve got the right to choose it
    (You’re all worthless and weak)
    There ain’t no way we’ll lose it
    This is our life, this is our song
    We’ll fight the powers that be, just
    Don’t pick our destiny ’cause
    You don’t know us, you don’t belong
    Oh, we’re not gonna take it
    No, we ain’t gonna take it
    Oh, we’re not gonna take it anymore
    Oh, you’re so condescending
    Your gall is never ending
    We don’t want nothin’, not a thing from you

    I was going to post the whole song but I am conserving electrons

  2. since Gavin has pirated the air waves in California, I figured I’d catch you all up.
    Racism, inequitable, Unequitable, biased, digital divide, disparity, disparity, did I mention disparity. Anyway all of the former is caused by intrinsic racism. And after the final body count California will kill enough random white and Asian people to make things equitable.

  3. Dear Mr. Trump why have you chosen to place me and my family under house arrest with no due process. Quit listening to democrats. The election is your’s to lose.

  4. I am not a patient of Dr. Fauci or Blix, they have both made catastrophic errors using the idiotic statistical models instead of real data. A pox on them and their houses.

  5. Sadly the media has instilled a lot of fear in feeble minded conformists and I’m seeing many posting things like this in response to planned protests -“SHAME ON EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO PARTICIPATES! If this goes on, we will be sure to take names and share them publicly.”
    Take names?! Who the hell do these people think they are and this will end and now we know who they are. I think we may see violence erupt when these name takers show up and try to enforce their will. Social distancing be damned when they are enforcing the health experts opinion.

  6. There had to be around 700 or more people in Augusta, ME today. The fake news set up their cameras so they only caught one small section of sidewalk.
    There were about 500 on the streets and so many of us in vehicles that it took over an hour to go a mile and a half.

  7. Thousands, not just hundreds should be protesting in larger municipalities in order to possibly put the fear of God in these leftist blue state officials.

  8. The democrats will lift the illegitimate quarantine orders


    When they feel the time is right and ripe to impose

    Their ” New World Order ” agenda to replace
    ALL existing US law including the annihilation
    of the Constitution and ANY sense of individual

    Democrats have only one real goal and have had
    it for 100 years.

    To supplant constitutional representative government
    and laissez – faire capitalist commerce.

    And establish communist dictatorial regulation
    of ALL human affairs ( not just commerce ) !

    The destruction of small business and the middle
    class ( the hated bourgeois ) being essential
    to that.

    Ever notice how democrats cater to and pamper
    big business while ignoring and even destroying
    small business ?

    Ever notice how they subsidize corporate farming
    while starving out family farmers ?

    Ever notice they demand foreign aid to communist
    governments and UN agencies including those who
    openly express their hatred and threatened violence
    and acted out terror toward the US ?

    Support, contribute and vote for democrats.

    You vote AGAINST yourself.

  9. First day of mandatory masks here in PA. 🙄

    I gave a hearty “HEIL WOLF” everywhere I went, while simultaneously giving the “Hail Skroob” salute from “Spaceballs.” 😆

    🖕😡🖕 Wolf, and his flunkie sidekick, Mongo.


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