Protests break out in front of WH urging Biden to take firmer stance on Cuba – IOTW Report

Protests break out in front of WH urging Biden to take firmer stance on Cuba


Protesters from across the U.S. converged in front of the White House Sunday night in an effort to get the Biden administration to take a firmer stance in its effort to support anti-government demonstrators in Cuba. 

The Biden administration has announced its support of the protesters and has also leveled sanctions. The Miami Herald reported that even the protesters had different expectations of what the word “more” actually meant. Some went as far as suggesting a military intervention.  more

6 Comments on Protests break out in front of WH urging Biden to take firmer stance on Cuba

  1. ^Im supposed to care about Protestors in Cuba, when protestors in America are being murdered (ASHLEY BABBITT). We need to get our own house in order. I’m all compassioned out for the rest of the world.

  2. US Rep, Daughter of Cuban Exiles, Humiliates Idiotic Witness in House Hearing Over Cuba;

    Added to the list of things Democrats should never be in charge of (taxes, the economy, education, land management, commerce, drug oversight, border security, criminal justice reform)add foreign policy. Let them play in their identity politics sandbox, save the important decisions for the adults in the room.

  3. Why would they help Cubans with communications, when communications are shut down here.
    That’s the whole point of lock downs, Google, Twitter, Fakebook, all censoring communications.
    The Democrats envy the Cuban regime, having that many under their control.


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