Protests erupt at California State Capitol after pair of reparations bills shelved – IOTW Report

Protests erupt at California State Capitol after pair of reparations bills shelved

Democrat state Sen Steven Bradford says bills were not put up for vote over fear of veto by Gov Newsom.

14 Comments on Protests erupt at California State Capitol after pair of reparations bills shelved

  1. Sorry Ns. No free money for you. The illegals are the new cherished minorities for the filthy democrat party, who’ll you’ll vote for anyway because they still let you rob the WalMarts.

  2. Hmm, I wonder if my blood-sister, who is an African American (I am not) would qualify? She was born in Libya and does not have a US birth certificate… (details related to out Father’s military service)

    Oh, right – she’s white. My bad.

  3. I believe I read the dollar figure attached to this bull shit is 4 times the current states annual budget and the state is currently over extended. The big joke is California was never s slave state. It’s funny these people aren’t protesting all the money the state legislature is throwing at illegals.


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